
总体而言,ASDA的外部环境较为混乱;全球经济危机大大降低了英国的生活水平,直到最近才有迹象表明这种状况可能改善。这降低了ASDA目标市场的可支配收入。然而,由于阿斯达专注于低成本产品,这实际上可能使其受益,使其成为第二大超市品牌。经济危机改变了英国的社会文化趋势,鼓励以储蓄为中心的态度,消费者改变了购买习惯,追求更好的交易。ASDA的公众声誉也面临困难,尤其是由于食品标准局(Food Standards Agency)对鸡肉中弯曲杆菌污染的调查。阿斯达的鸡肉库存和供应商被发现在超市中污染率最高,高于行业平均水平。这一发现在11月下旬得到了新闻界的广泛宣传,其全部影响可能尚未查明。ASDA已经发现了英国零售业的外部环境困难,并制定了相应的政策。它们努力争取价格领先地位,对许多家庭产品收取与竞争对手相同或较低的价格,以便吸引有价格意识的顾客。此外,它们还努力将自己的运营成本降至最低,利用这些储蓄抵消通胀压力,并将这些储蓄转嫁给消费者。ASDA已选择将其重点从基于商店的服务转向其他领域。他们在技术开发上投入了大量资金,特别是在“点击即取”服务方面。外部战略咨询公司OC&C认为,这些服务在未来几年具有高增长潜力。
Overall, ASDA’s external environment is relatively troubled; UK standards of living were significantly reduced by the global economic crisis and only recently have signs indicated that this could improve. This has reduced the disposable income of ASDA’s target markets. However, because of ASDA’s focus on low-cost products, this could have actually benefitted ASDA, allowing them to become the second largest supermarket brand. The economic crisis has altered the UK’s socio-cultural trends, encouraging a savings-focussed attitude, with customers altering their buying habits to pursue better deals.ASDA has also faced difficulties in its public reputation, particularly due to the Food Standards Agency’s survey into campylobacter contamination in chicken. ASDA’s chicken stocks and suppliers were found to have the worst contamination rates among supermarkets, above the industry average. This finding was well publicised in the press in late November and its full impact may not have been identified yet.ASDA have identified the difficult external environment of UK retail and have oriented their policies to suit the situation. They have endeavoured to gain price leadership, charging the same as or less than their competitors for many household products, in order to draw price-conscious customers. Additionally, they have taken efforts to minimise their own operating costs, using these savings to offset inflationary pressures and passing the savings on to consumers.ASDA have chosen to diversify their focus beyond store-based services. They have invested significantly into technological development, particularly with their Click and Collect service. External strategy consultants OC&C have identified these services as having high growth potential in coming years.