
当今时代是技术的时代。各种技术的基础都是在教育机构中制定的。中等教育在社会发展中起着举足轻重的作用。因此,利用教育技术可以有效地进行中等教育。中学在课程开发、学习过程和学生评价等方面都运用了教育技术。它的范围和需求也与日俱增。Aggarwal J. C(1995,pp.1,2)”技术有两方面,即技术的东西,技术作为社会过程。技术作为科学知识通过组织涉及2毫秒,即机械的人实际工作使用的东西,而社会过程的技术手段,分层有序的系统包括人机科学和其他有组织的知识在实际工作中使用。E。T在1967被认定在英国教育技术国民议会成立的话。英国协会编程学习立即加入“外星人”1968题。在美国,1970是国家教育委员会教育技术委员会的视听系。在教育技术早期著作中,“系统”一词很有规律地出现。但作为一个核心概念框架,教育技术作为一个研究领域长期确立,并没有立即被广泛采用。教学发展、教育交流和教育资源是描述这个领域的一些名称。
The present era is of technology. The foundation of all types of technology is laid down in educational institutions. The education at secondary level plays a pivotal role and is held responsible for the development of society. Therefore, secondary education can be made effective with the use of educational technology. The secondary schools are using educational technology in curriculum development, in learning process and in the evaluation of learners. Its scope and needs are becoming greater day by day.Aggarwal J.C (1995, PP.1,2) "Technology has two aspects, i.e. technology as things and technology as social process. Technology as things in the use of scientific knowledge to practical works by organization which involve in 2 Ms i.e. machinery men, while the technology of social process means the use of scientific and other organized knowledge to practical works by hierarchically ordered systems which include men machines.The word E.T was recognized in 1967 with the establishment of national council for Educational Technology in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom Association for programmed learning immediately added "E.T" to its title in 1968. In the USA it was the department of Audio-Visual Instruction of National Education Association for Educational Commission and technology in 1970. The word "System" appeared quite regularly in the early writings on educational technology. But it did not become widely adopted at once as a central conceptual frame work Educational Technology permanently established now as a field of study. Instructional development educational communication and educational resources are some names which describe the field.