
当有人需要帮助时,总会有办法得到帮助。他们可以通过拨打1 -800-799- safe(7233)的机密国家国内热线(DMVH)来做到这一点,他们可以在美国,24小时,每周7天,一年365天开放。DMVH有辅导员来支持他们为自己、他们的孩子、住所和法律援助(密歇根州警察)提供信息和转介。你可以做很多其他的事情来帮助受害者,甚至是受害者自己。这可能就像拿起一本电话本,找出你所在社区的组织帮助你的工作,比如就业,甚至是孩子的照顾。还有其他不同的事情可以做,比如寻求心理咨询,甚至是支持团体。当你在寻求心理咨询时,要确保你能辨别出你的辅导员是被虐待的,并且有与被虐待者一起工作的经验。大多数人都尽可能地保持活跃,以帮助你的自尊、自信和恢复你的独立
There is always ways to get help when someone needs it. They can do so by calling the confidential National Domestic Hotline (DMVH) at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), they are available to the United States, 24 hours, 7 days a week, and open 365 days a year. The DMVH have counselors to support them in getting them information and referrals for themselves, their children, shelter, and legal assistance (Michigan State Police). There are many other things that you could do to help a victim or even a victim herself can do. It may be just as easy as picking up a phone book to find out what organizations in your community help out with such as employment or even child care. There are other different things that can be done such as seeking counseling or even support groups. While you are seeking counseling, make sure you identify weather the counselor is for the abused and has had experience of working with the abused. Most of all stay active as much as possible to help your self esteem, self confidence, and getting you independence back