
The Transcendental Movement centered on thriving to discover the age-old philosophical question: What exactly is the true meaning of life? In order to find an answer, Transcendentalists focused on five main beliefs. They were individualism, nature, anti-materialism, intuition, and the quest to find the truth of existence (Gura). Notably, the Movement lured in famous names such as authors Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, and women right’s activist Margret Fuller. Due to the rather extreme liberal views and the controversy that arose from their particular ideology, Transcendentalism barely made a splash in the 1830 society (Blanch). However, as history has played out, the principles of the philosophical movement have clearly had an impact in American revolutions.As much as the movement is often incorrectly labeled as being against Christian belief systems, Transcendentalism roots reach back to Christianity through the already liberal Unitarian denomination. In approximately 1835, young men training to become Unitarian ministers rebelled against their spiritual elders. They found the belief in Christ’s miracles to be outlandish, claiming that his moral teachings were more than enough to make him a prophet (Gura). The men also rejected the blanket theory that human knowledge directly comes from senses; rather, they argued that spiritual principles that come from within one’s self consequently lead to a better comprehension of the world.