
Since we were child games encourage us to be more creative and solve problems, is the same with video games, they have a lot of troubles that need to be solve in various situations if we want to keep playing, and this is where creativity has been involved. Furthermore make us take decisions more quickly working with many tasks at the same time without losing concentration.It is a very efficient method in rehabilitation therapies, with children who present learning problems; these video games introduce some ideas of different aspects that help to capture information in an easier form and help to solve problems of laterality and dyslexia. In the educational area are useful because they teach fast, engaging and proficient ways of learning, making studies more enjoyable to students. Moreover they improve the ability to learn and analyze visual information, help with the learning of a new language and also some video games improve reading skills. In few words, video games can improve students' creativity and learning by stimulating their mental agility, improving their memory, and decreasing their stress level.