
Born and raised in Mexico, I spent the first 18 years of my life being educated in Mexican schools. I can't complain, my parents always tried to give me the best education possible getting me into the best schools they could find. I only went to private schools, so teachers were never really a problem for my education. I was being well educated in a good school; however, I always heard that public schools in Mexico never did as good as private schools. When I enter college in a different country, I realized how different teachers were in the United States, and I realized I never really knew how teachers were prepared in Mexico.First of all, the levels of education are divided differently in Mexico. From first to sixth grade is elementary school, from seventh to ninth grade is middle school, and from tenth to twelfth grade is high school. The government has its own department to take care of educational matters. The department is called the Secretaría de Educación Pública, its name meaning department of public education. This department is the one in charge of trying to give access to every Mexican to have the education they deserve. So it organizes the whole educational structure in Mexico like school programs, economic aids, and the qualification of the teachers. Elementary schools and middle schools are coordinated by the SEP. High schools, on the other hand, are coordinated by a sub department of the SEP called Secretaría de Educación Media Superior, SEMS, meaning department of high school education.