
Video games evoke different emotions in people. Some might perceive them as nothing more than a tool of entertainment, while others might consider them useless and tools of bad influence. Academics, such as Gee (2005, p.13), will say that “video games are a new form of interactive media worthy of academic multidisciplinary study” regardless of what videogames may be, it is a well-known fact that they are a distinct yet entertaining way for youngsters to spend their time.It comes as no surprise that many educators and teachers are trying to add video games to their lessons and curricula design both to catch and retain the attention of students, not to mention to enhance the course content and likability. Many business, medicine, and law schools in northern Europe are implementing video games such as Kristen’s Cookies, Dexter and Objection as part of their curricula, whilst other schools introduce more commercially known titles, for example Brain Age and Trauma Center to their science and math courses. According to Hogg’s research (2006) carried out in some European universities, students’ motivation and therefore grades, have soared exponentially as opposed to slump since the implementation of video games in their curricula.Video games have become increasingly widespread in their use, both as a hobby and as an educational tool. ESL teachers should be no exception and be able to make use of this technology to help students in teaching grammar points as much as in developing students’ speaking ability.