
In the time period, 1750 to 1900s, the Industrial Revolution had started and spread rapidly. There were many new inventions such as the steam engine, cotton gin, and factories. As states industrialized over this time period, they expanded their existing overseas colonies in need for raw materials. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, there began an intense period of revolutions and rebellions over existing governments. One of these Revolutions was the French Revolution. The French Revolution had many causes leading up to this revolution such as France’s economic crisis and unfair taxes, Enlightenment ideas, and the Estate System. The French Revolution was necessary in order to help the people fight back to gain their equal rights, to create a new fair and just government, and so the people of France can live freely.Before the French revolution, the social structure of France was very noticeably unequal with its estate system. The estate system divided France’s society into three categories, First estate-Clergy, Second Estate-Nobles, and the Third Estate. The first estate owned an enormous amount of power-about a ruler’s amount of power, and they also owned a ton of land. The second estate didn’t own as much power, but enough to be in the high-class range, and they got all of the good paying jobs, like military and politicians. The third estate consisted of many subcategories and made up 98% of the French population. Some of those subcategories went from the bourgeois (highest) middle class, (middle) middle-class peasants, and (lowest) city workers. The sans-culottes however, (city workers) got the most work, were underpaid for it, and started to spread the unfairness of getting the most work and taxes.(The French Revolution 1789-1815, 2015) Now, the other two states had no taxes to pay and most of them lived the life of luxury and did not want anything to change. They didn’t want to change simply because of the fact that they are on top and do not have to go through any pain like the third estate is in right now. All of this inequality contributes to the fact that the France revolution needed to happen. These differences are gonna influence the French revolution in that it is showing clear separation of power with the unequal distribution of power. The Second Estate will soon want to be with the First estate, but not want to change the third estate because they do all of the work. This means that they want more power and land because of the greedy need but don’t want the lower classes to change the state that they’re in right now.