澳洲阿德莱德代写 性别资本
Keywords:澳洲阿德莱德代写 性别资本

澳洲阿德莱德代写 性别资本
The authors draws on a qualitative research to examine men’s gender capital experience and how we utilize maleness ( a male body), masculinity and femininity as forms of capitals. The research was based on in-depth interviews with men employees in gendered industries such as nursing and construction. The interviews was about 60 minutes and the interviewers are female. They asked the participants about the gendered occupational questions by their own experiences. The main limitation of this research is that it might be a unstable discussion because the gendered experience is sometimes contradictive and unstable. Also, there was a very limited sample from men working in ‘feminine’ roles. Furthermore, the article did not mention how many samples they have collected. Moreover, they only selected men workers as samples and it was limited information to achieve a deeper understanding the different perspectives between men and women. However, they aim to explore how men and women express occupational social space. They still provide some useful information to describe the male workers’ gendered experiences. The findings express that a male body did take some advantage to assist the male workers in promotion to management positions and masculinity leads to greater success in gaining more employment opportunities for them. A construction worker for instance, simply being in a male body is not enough to guarantee promotion. They also found gender limits that many men who work in femininity suffered because of they were doing a feminine job. In conclusion, the author stated that it is important to understand gender capital as the main reason of the continuation of occupational segregation. They demonstrated the advantage of gender capital for men but women in specific occupations and also provided a more detailed approach to occupational choice. This research might not be so useful for my topic but it is an interesting approach as people might think that the occupation segregation is based on gender difference. For example, the nurse should be female or the bus driver should be male. This research found that gender sometimes limited a worker’s career choice and advancement.
Huppatz, K & Goodwin, S 2013, ‘Masculinised jobs, feminised jobs and men’s ‘gender capital’ experiences: Understanding occupational segregation in Australia’, Journal of Sociology, vol. 49, no. 2-3, pp. 291-308.