澳洲阿德莱德作业代写 勘探评估
Keywords:澳洲阿德莱德作业代写 勘探评估

澳洲阿德莱德作业代写 勘探评估
In regards and within the exploration that followed after the assessment where a good therapeutic alliance was put in place, Jenny state of mind was properly assessed, examined thereby helping both of us (therapist and client) to understand and identify the actual goal of the therapy in order to facilitate behavioural change, promoting decision making, improving relationship and also generate a copping method and if possible eliminate her alcoholic life style and unhealthy thinking of feeling lost which is really affecting and ruining her quality of life and her view about relationship with friends and others. Jenny recognizes her problem and was happy to be involved in order that she (client) will follow through them thereby being committed. Both of us (therapist and client) agreed to look into and identify the real cause of her behaviour, her alcoholic dependence and the reason behind why she is feeling confused and lost, and her attitudes to people and to create an environment for a change, re- structure her thinking, belief and to create method for change which will lead to a healthy, physical, mental and emotional life. Also, both of us (therapist and client) agreed upon a mutual goals, objectives and plans which will lead to Jenny recovery if well put into practice. We also set and agreed by both of us (client and therapist) towards identifying what need to be changed and accomplished so as to work towards healing and fulfilled life. The need for Jenny to develop a sense of self- identity- a sense for herself as a grown woman who can take a decision and maintain her own boundaries was also discussed.