澳洲阿德莱德健康学代写 食品与癌症
Keywords:澳洲阿德莱德健康学代写 食品与癌症

澳洲阿德莱德健康学代写 食品与癌症
While there are many foods that can decrease your chances of developing certain cancers, there are also many foods that can increase your likelihood. While it’s beyond difficult to outright prove that specific foods cause cancer, scientific studies have always indicated that a high concentration of certain foods may increase an individual’s likelihood of developing cancer in their lifetime. Processed foods that are often high in sugar content and relatively lower in nutrients and fiber have been found to increase cancer risk, scientific researchers in Italy have concluded that a diet which increases blood glucose levels in high concentration is associated with an increased risk of several cancers, including colorectal, stomach, and breast cancers (“Glycemic index”). A study in Italy of over 47,000 adults found that those who chose to consume a diet higher in refined carbohydrates were nearly two times as likely to die from colon cancer as those who chose to eat a diet lower in refined carbs (“Dietary glycemic”). The risk of an individual with diabetes to develop colorectal cancer is twenty-two percent higher than other individuals, to protect against cancer, it’s imperative to avoid foods that make insulin levels spike. The International Agency for Research on Cancer sees processed meat as a carcinogen, ‘carcinogen’ is a term for something that causes cancer (“Carcinogenicity of consumption”). ‘Processed meat’ refers to meat that has been heavily treated to preserve flavor by undergoing salting, curing or smoking. This category includes hot dogs, ham, bacon, chorizo, salami and even some deli meats. Observational studies have found a link between individuals consuming high volumes of processed meat and a heightened cancer risk, in particular, colorectal cancer. A substantial review of many studies in France found that people who chose to eat large amounts of processed meat had a twenty to fifty-percent increased risk of colorectal cancer when compared to those who chose to eat very little or none of this type of food .