澳洲阿德莱德作业代写 恢复性实践的工作
Keywords:澳洲阿德莱德作业代写 恢复性实践的工作

这些恢复性实践的工作,以重建教师和学生之间的信任,以及确定不良行为的原因。恢复性实践的关键是所有参与者都努力找到并解决问题的根本原因,而不仅仅是立即采取行动。一个例子就是学生在课堂上骂人。在表面上,一个纪律严明的人会倾向于让咒骂的学生停职。但是通过恢复治疗,可能是家庭成员去世的根本原因被发现了,学生接受了责任并道歉,最后在治疗机构帮助他们更多地摆脱悲伤。很多时候,学生并不知道老师和学生行为的原因。恢复性实践允许在教师和学生之间进行对话,以解决行为和共同的下一步。这些对话将重点放在行为和如何改变上,而不是学生认为行为或后果是主观的。根据这本书,恢复性实践符合社会正义,“一个社区和维系一个社区的必要关系必须存在,它们才能被恢复。如果将恢复性正义视为一种策略或程序,而不是一种概念框架或你观察世界的镜头,那么它就只不过是一种可有可无的行为。基础设施、系统、操作和教学实践都必须设计成构建社区,然后在出现问题时恢复社区。还必须有一种信念,一种家园,你作为这个社区的利益相关者可以发挥作用,在这个社区的运作中有发言权,如果buyin要占据一席之地的话。没有购买,就没有投资,没有投资就没有社区,没有社区就没有重建。”(安东尼·h·N。&安东尼娅。l . (Eds) pg。156)。与恢复性实践最大的斗争之一是购买和承诺从教师和工作人员。因为恢复性实践是非常规的,所以信任过程是很重要的。通常,如果老师认为一个行为没有什么具体的后果,而是一段可能会或不会导致后果的谈话,他们就会感到不满。
澳洲阿德莱德作业代写 恢复性实践的工作
These restorative practices work to rebuild trust between teacher and student as well as work to determine the cause of misbehavior. The key to restorative practices is that all participants work to find and solve the root cause of the issue, not just the immediate action that occurred. An example of this is when a student curses in class. At the surface level, a disciplinarian would be inclined to suspend the student for cursing. But through restorative practices, the root cause which could be a family member passing could be discovered, the student accepts responsibility and apologizes and ends up in a treatment facility to help them more past the grief. Often times, students are unaware of the cause of a behavior both from a teacher and student. Restorative practices allow for there to be a dialogue between teacher and student to address the behavior and mutual next steps. These conversations keep the focus on the behavior and how to change rather than a student believing that the behavior or consequence was given subjectively. According to the book, Restorative Practice Meets Social Justice, “A community and the relationships necessary to sustain a community must exist before they can be restored. Restorative justice becomes nothing more than “edubabble” if it is seen as a strategy or program rather than a conceptual framework or a lens which you view your world. The infrastructure, systems, operations, and instructional practices must all be designed to build a community and then restore it when something goes wrong. There must also exist a belief, a home that you as a stakeholder in this community can make a difference and have a say in the workings of this community if buyin is to take a place. Without buy in, there is no investment, without investment there is no community, and without community there is nothing to restore.” (Anthony, H. N., & Antonia, I. L. (Eds.), pg. 156). One of the biggest struggles with restorative practices is the buy in and commitment from the teachers and staff. Because restorative practices are nonconventional, it is important to trust the process. Often, teachers get disgruntled if they believe that there isn’t a specific consequence to a behavior and instead a conversation that may or may not lead to a consequence.