澳洲阿德莱德代写 幼儿园教育
Keywords:澳洲阿德莱德代写 幼儿园教育
对于延迟入学或留在幼儿园的学生,很难得出明确的长期结果。许多研究人员只研究了短期结果,而忽视了这些行为可能带来的长期后果。另一些人只检查了延迟入学或提前保留的学生,但没有将这两组学生与单一组群中一般进步的学生进行比较。此外,尽管研究人员已经开始考虑其他已知与成绩相关的变量,但仍不清楚与留校率相关的更多负面结果是否与该群体中较弱势学生的过多代表有关。Lincove和画家(2006)报道,一些学生更积极的结果没有redshirted (E.X。不可能在高中被逮捕,更有可能参加4年学院或大学),在Lincove和画家的研究(2006),延迟条目显示优越的模式结果保留学生之前调整后的协变量上的差异。例如,在吃午餐的孩子中,被保留的那一组,在这个特殊的组中,被安排在1-5年级接受特殊教育的可能性是被延迟入学组的孩子的六倍多。在那些享受免费或特价午餐的孩子中,被保留的那一组的孩子接受特殊教育的可能性是被推迟的那一组的三倍多。三年级和五年级的教师对注意力的评分显示,延迟入学的学生比符合入学条件进入幼儿园的学生表现出同样的积极结果。在五年级,推迟入学的孩子也被老师评为对学校的态度明显更好。关于标准化考试成绩,数据显示,延迟入学组的分数明显高于保留入学组。
澳洲阿德莱德代写 幼儿园教育
It is difficult to draw firm conclusions regarding long-term outcomes for students who experience delayed entry or kindergarten retention. Many researchers have investigated only short-term outcomes, neglecting the long-term consequences that could result from these practices. Others have examined only delayed entry or early retention but have not compared these two groups to typically progressing students in a single cohort of students. Additionally, although researchers are beginning to take into consideration other variables known to be related to achievement in examining outcomes, it remains unclear if the more negative outcomes that have been associated with retention are related to the overrepresentation of less privileged students in this group.Lincove and Painter (2006) reported some outcomes that were more positive for students that were not redshirted (E.X.: Not as likely to be arrested in high school, more likely to attend a 4 year college or university), in Lincove’s and Painter’s study (2006), delayed entry students showed a pattern of superior outcomes to retained students after the adjustment of prior differences in covariates. For example, among children with paid lunch, those in the retained group, in this specific group, were over six times more likely to be placed in special education in Grades 1–5 than children in the delayed entry group. Among those receiving free or reduced-price lunch, children in the retained group were over three times more likely to be placed in special education than children in the delayed entry group. Teacher ratings of attention in Grades 3 and 5 showed the same pattern of more positive outcomes for delayed entry than students that entered into kindergarten when they were eligible. In fifth grade, delayed entry children also were rated by teachers as having significantly better attitudes toward school. With regard to standardized test scores, the data show a clear pattern of higher scores among the delayed entry group than the retained group.
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