
The following essay will define intellectual disability, autism, severe disabilities, and multiple disabilities, their causes, and the impact of the disabilities on the education of the student with the intellectual disability. Also, identifying areas of curriculum necessary for students with severe disabilities and explain why. The essay will discuss the areas of curriculum and the policies, procedures, and programs for the education of students with intellectual disability, autism, severe and multiple disabilities.Today, students are diagnosed with different types of disabilities. Some of these disabilities are an intellectual disability, autism, severe disabilities and multiple disabilities. An intellectual disability is a disability that affects an individual limitation in several areas of cognitive function that interferes with the individual everyday life. Also, the individual has problems with four types of intellectual processes: abstraction, sequencing, understanding social contexts, and be able to read the emotional states of others. Intellectual disability can affect an individual's memory, learning and problem-solving. Individuals who have an intellectual disability have a mild intellectual disability. An intellectual functioning level IQ is below 70-75. An intellectual disability is seen before the student turns 18. The cause of intellectual disability can be caused by head injury, stroke, meningitis, brain abnormality, and disease. The intellectual disability can happen before the child is born or it can happen during childhood. For some children, the cause of the intellectual disability is not known. There are some known causes of intellectual disabilities they are: Down syndrome and fetal alcohol syndrome. These known causes happen before the child's birth. There are other causes that happen before a child a genetic condition called Prader-Willi syndrome. There are still other causes of intellectual disabilities that do not happen until the child become older. The definition of Autism is a developmental disorder that shows within the first three years of the life of an individual. Autism shows before the child is three years old. The way that autism works it affects the brain's normal development of social and communication skills. The cause of Autism is a physical condition that is linked to abnormal biology and chemistry in the brain. The exact of the abnormal biology and chemistry in the brain is not known.