
教育已被描述为对抗艾滋病毒/艾滋病的一个重要工具。没有教育,艾滋病将继续蔓延。随着艾滋病失去控制,教育将遥不可及。(Peter Piot,全球艾滋病报告2008)。他描述了艾滋病与教育界的关系,称之为“随着疫情恶化,教育部门受损,这可能会增加艾滋病的发病率”。艾滋病可以通过多种途径影响教育,但教育已成为对抗疾病的一个很好的工具。学校和其他教育机构能够继续发挥作用的长度将影响到受影响的社区最终如何从流行病中恢复过来。通过同伴教育,降低艾滋病发病率的一个重要途径。这是一个过程,一个人已经收到关于感染的传播信息达到同行使用熟悉的语言(S)(俚语)。(Olasusi。等2002。研究已经证明,人们更可能改变他们的行为或态度,如果他们看到,并相信通过的信使是类似于他们所面临的或关注和压力,他们目前。Hillary Mason倡导青年2003在她写的“同伴教育:促进健康行为”说:“同伴教育借鉴的可信度年轻人与他们的同龄人,利用,权力的角色建模,并提供灵活性,以满足不同的需要,今天的青年。同伴教育可以支持年轻人在制定积极的群体规范和健康决策的性别。
Education has been described to be an important tool in the battle against HIV/AIDS. "Without education, AIDS will continue its rampant spread. With AIDS out of control, education will be out of reach". (Peter Piot, Global AIDS report 2008). He described the relationship between AIDS and the education sector as circular - "as the epidemic worsens; the education sector is damaged, which in turn is likely to increase the incidence of HIV/AIDS". Aids can affect education in so many ways but also, education has proven to be a very good tool in fighting the disease. The length to which schools and other education institutions' are able to continue to function will act as an influence to how well the affected communities eventually recover from the epidemic. An important way to reducing the HIV/AIDS incidence is through peer education. This is a process where an individual that has received information about the spread of the infection reach their peers using the familiar language(s) (Slangs). (Olasusi. et al 2002). Research has proven that people are more likely to change their behaviours or attitudes if they see and believe the messenger been passed is similar to what they face or concerns and pressures they presently have. Hillary Mason Advocates for youth 2003 in her write up "Peer Education: Promoting Health Behaviors" said "Peer education draws on the credibility young people have with their peers, the leverages, power of role modelling, and provision of flexibility in meeting the diverse needs of today's youth. Peer education can support young people in developing positive group norms and in making healthy decisions about sex".