
称为兰普顿报告集中特别是在西印度的孩子们在学校虽然产生于1985的完整报告,正式称为全民教育,简称斯旺报告,看着所有少数民族教育和研究多元文化的广泛影响在教育系统。报告的证据指出,种族主义是对英国学校的少数民族儿童的经验的影响,为迈向更多元文化教育体系的举动。主体已被选为该委员会的工作是具有开创性的同时–它是第一个政府报告提到种族主义作为英国社会[ 1 ]问题时,有一个活跃的辩论在英国的种族关系问题。本文探讨的同化理论、一体化和文化多元化,主导在各点的社会学思考1960到80年代中期,检查的影响,无论是Rampton和斯万的报告全文认为,虽然报告提出了一些挑战和创新思想的反应,在当时的政治气候不允许他们有很大的影响。分析中等教育的今天,一些少数民族继续成绩表明Rampton和斯万最终没有实际效果。教育确实有塑造和形成社会的能力--这是委员会得出的结论之一--然而,在英国,中学教育系统仍然未能以积极的态度始终如一地做到这一点。
known as the Rampton Report focussed specifically on West Indian children in schools whilst the full report produced in 1985, officially called Education for All and referred to as the Swann Report, looked at the education for all ethnic minority groups and examined the wider implication of multiculturalism in the education system. The reports produced evidence pointing to the fact that racism was having an effect on the experiences of ethnic minority children in British schools and called for a move towards a more multi-cultural education system.The subject has been chosen as the committee’s work was groundbreaking at the time – it was the first ever government report to mention racism as a problem in British society[1]and came at a time when there was an active debate in Britain around race relations issues. This dissertation examines the theories of assimilation, integration and cultural pluralism that dominated sociological thinking at various points from 1960 to the mid 1980s.In examining the impact of and reaction to both the Rampton and Swann reports the dissertation will argue that whilst the reports offered some challenging and innovative ideas, the political climate at the time did not allow for them to have any great impact. An analysis of secondary education today and the continuing underachievement of some ethnic minority groups indicate that Rampton and Swann have ultimately had little real effect. Education does have the power to shape and form a society – this was one of the conclusions that the committee came to – as yet in Britain however, the secondary education system is still failing to consistently do this in a positive manner.