
I then made a plan of interviewing consisting with three parts. At the beginning, I would remind George of our previous conversation by recapitulating it. After confirming that he remembered it, too, I would raise my initial question: what did you mean exactly by "I believe there should be different kinds of schools" in our previous conversation? I expected this question to bring back the context of our previous talk, and clarify his own interpretation of that expression.Secondly, I would explain that the key question of this interview is "how do you think this belief was formed?" And I would ask further questions according to George's responses explore more deeply until the answer satisfies me or noting a scent of George's having nothing or not willing to go further on this topic.Finally, I would invite him to comment on one the Summerhill School, as well as to estimate how many British share similar beliefs with him by his own perception. I expected his commenting on one of the most extreme cases of schooling in England and self-positioning among others could help me revealing more of his stance of educational philosophy.