
For years the United States has been praised as the world leader in higher education but now it is no longer a world leader in college completion. China and India are moving at a faster rate in terms of economy, education, and development. Higher education has always been a part of the countries economic development but now it is the heart of the new knowledge-based economy. Majority of the employers today look for employees who has got broader set of skills with high levels of learning and knowledge.so such rapidly growing importance of human skills and knowledge is increasingly seen as a key factor to the economic wealth in the global knowledge-based economy which is also going to determine the economic future of the country.Every year of an individual schooling raises his or her lifetime income by 10 percent, which implies that even with the heavy amount of loans to pay and increasing costs, education is a better private investment with the good return of investment in a long run. Apart from being a good private investment, it is also a great public investment because a better work force with improved skills, abilities, and knowledge is better for the growing economy of the country. More research needs to be done in these areas.USHE system which had to lead the world for the past fifty years and it being no more a world leader is unacceptable. More has to be done to provide the finest education not only to the select group but also to every American with the skills they need to succeed in the most competitive global economy. Education needs to be more easily accessible to the fastest growing segment of the population, the minorities and the low-income students who have been least successful in education.