
The strategy that the government of Argentina should work for the implementation is the green technological boom. The choice of strategy has been made due to the fact that the different problems that are currently confronted to the government of the country could be effectively resolved only if the government works for the efficient utilization of the country resources by promoting conservation and environmental concerns and at the same time promote the globalization that has been associate with brining very positive impact over the economy of Argentina (CzinKota, 2007). This is due to the fact that before joining the WTO at the turn of the century, Argentina was declared defaulter on its major foreign loans, the growth rate of the GDP was estimated at -18%, the unemployment rate reached 28% while more than 60% of the population was living below the line of poverty (Index Mundi, 2012). However, when the country starts joining the globalization moment, the country realize the entire positive factors associated with globalization and the negative growth was not only converted into positive, during the last eight years the economy of Argentina grow at the average of 7%.