
Myanmar and Iraq are considered as developing countries. In the last few years, corruption in the developing countries has come to the forefront of development thinking. Tight fiscal situations at home have made donor countries focus more on the impact of their aid to developing countries, raising concerns among bilateral and multilateral aid agencies over the effect of corruption on economic performance. At the same time, the trend towards democratization has made developing country government subject to a greater scrutiny and accountability from a broader segment of general public. Despite this, there remains a significant degree of ambivalence among many policy makers about the real impact of corruption in the economy. This less-than-enthusiastic response is due in part to the to the so called corruption puzzle. In a number of Asian countries, high rates of growth had been sustained over a long period despite high levels of corruption (Transparency International, 2008). Empirical evidence indicating that corruption impedes growth and investment has begun to emerge, with academics and scholars increasingly devoting more time to study the surrounding issues. These findings parallel to the emerging concerns of politicians and policy makers around the world about the deleterious effects of corruption on economic performance and increasing efforts to try to address the underlying causes.