堪培拉护理作业代写 被虐待
Keywords:堪培拉护理作业代写 被虐待

堪培拉护理作业代写 被虐待
There are many ways that you can be abused one of which being physical abuse. There are many signs or indicators that show you are a victim of physical abuse one of the signs being weight loss or weight gain. When you are physically abused you could have had something mentioned to you about your figure and you could be skipping meals because the abuser said you were too fat or you could weight gain because they said that you were too skinny . Another sign of physical abuse is bumps and bruises this will show to people that someone is hurting them in a horrible way. This could often be because they are better at something than they are and the abuser wants the victim to do all of the work for them Another type of abuse that you could face is neglect. This is often common is children whose parents can’t afford to care for themselves or their children even if they are both working in some cases. A sign or symptom of neglect is dirty clothes. People will usually know that something is not quite right because they usually come in with clean clothes. When a child is being neglected their behaviour can change quite quickly they are known as a bright and bubbly child and within a couple of days they are quiet and shy A third type of abuse is bullying. When you get bullied that can become quite serious. There are many signs of being bullied one of them being unexplained injuries. A symptom of bullying is constant headaches or stomach aches. This could be because the victim knows what will happen to them if they go to school tomorrow. When they are thinking like this it could lead to childhood anxiety which is because of fear or panic. If a child develops anxiety their symptoms will be the feeling of frightened or nervous all the time also tired and irritable. Another symptom could be eating habits, they have been bullied so much that they can’t eat or don’t want to eat because the bully might say something to them .