堪培拉assignment代写 经济学
Keywords:堪培拉assignment代写 经济学

迪斯、爱默生和《经济学》(2001)指出,社会企业家和商业企业家之间最大的区别是“每个趋势所追求的即时回报的本质”。有人说,商业企业家是由市场驱动的,相反,社会企业家主要是由组织使命驱动的。Brouard(2006)指出,社会企业家更关注社会角色,商业角色是附属的。如上所述,使命相关的影响是社会企业家的中心标准,而不是经济价值(迪斯,1998)。此外,社会企业家会将大部分利润再投资于社会使命,而不是将其分配给利益相关者(Bacq和Janssen, 2011)。相比之下,即使是商业企业家也会把社会责任放在首位,而不是优先考虑。商业企业家受到市场规律的约束,市场规律决定了企业能否创造价值。如果他们不能创造价值,他们就会被赶出公司。在这里,市场驱动可以理解为利润驱动。商业企业家必须以利润为导向,因为充足的经济价值可以帮助企业成长。商业创业的结果可以简单地用金钱和有形的术语来衡量(James, Howar, and Jane, 2006)。迪斯(1998)认为,对于商业企业家来说,财富创造是衡量价值创造的一种方式。因此,商业创业的绩效可以通过市场份额、企业的市场价值、净利润、客户满意度、质量、企业资产等来衡量。另一方面,对于社会企业家来说,与使命相关的影响成为中心标准,而不是财富创造(迪斯,1998)。因此,社会企业家的表现可以通过社会影响和社会变化来衡量。由于非定量、多因素、时间维度以及对社会变化的不同感知,这种无形的、软性的结果给衡量社会创业的结果带来了巨大的挑战(James, Howard, and Jane, 2006)。威尔士欧洲基金办公室(2003)提出,软结果可以通过旅行距离来衡量。
堪培拉assignment代写 经济学
Dees, Emerson, and Economy (2001) state that the biggest difference between social entrepreneurs and commercial entrepreneurs is ‘the nature of the immediate return each trend to seek’. It is said commercial entrepreneurs are market-driven, by contrast, social entrepreneurs are driven primarily by an organizational mission. Brouard (2006) points out that social entrepreneurs pay more attention to social roles and commercial roles being accessory. As mentioned above, the mission-related impact is the central standard of social entrepreneurs rather than economic value (Dees, 1998). Furthermore, social entrepreneurs will reinvestment the majority of profit in social mission rather than distribute them to stakeholders (Bacq and Janssen, 2011). By contrast, even commercial entrepreneurs integrate the social responsibilities, they don’t give it the top priority. Commercial entrepreneurs are bound by market discipline, and it is market discipline determines if firms creating value. If they do not generate value, they are often driven out of the business. Here, market-driven could be understood as profit-driven. Commercial entrepreneurs have to profit-driven because the sufficient economic value could help firms grow.The outcome of commercial entrepreneurship could be simply measured by monetary and tangible terms (James, Howar, and Jane, 2006). Dees (1998) claims that for commercial entrepreneurs, wealth creation is a way of measuring value creation. Thus, the performance of commercial entrepreneurship could be measured by the market share, the market value of the firm, net profit, customer satisfaction, quality, and firm’s assets etc. On the other hand, for social entrepreneurship, the mission-related impact becomes the central criterion, not wealth creation (Dees, 1998). Hence, the performance of the social entrepreneurship could be gauged by social impact and social change. Such intangible and soft outcome creates a big challenge for measuring the outcome of social entrepreneurship, because of the non-quantitative, multifactorial, temporal dimensions, and different perception of social change (James, Howard, and Jane, 2006). Welsh European Funding Office (2003) suggests that a soft outcome could be measured by distance traveled approach.