澳大利亚Case Study代写 Joe Bert's Car Wash
Keywords:Case Study代写

Essentially Joe Bert's Car Wash will be involved in offering car wash services and unlike the tangible products business, the marketing mix of the service offering organizations consists of seven Ps that are explored in detail in the following (Knnear et al., 2008): Marketing management professionals uses the term product not only for tangible products but also for services (Stanton et al., 2005). Joe Bert's Car Wash will offer manual car wash services to the target market living in Bellchester area. The service that the firm will be offering consists of manual car wash that will include not only the exterior cleaning of the automobile but also the interior cleaning. As the manual cleaning is regarding as much more labor intensive, it will help Joe Bert's Car Wash to differentiate and better position its services in terms of quality care and price being charged by the organization (Knnear et al., 2008). The firm will target variety of customers including new car owners, older luxury car owners, sports car owners, lifetime owners, dealers, and local business and employees having jobs in Birmingham.
Due to limited resources of the business organization and the cost factor the business organization by initially located in the old garage, situated at the edge of Bellchester (Evans & Berman, 2007). The location of business organization will allow the organization not only to control the cost of premises but will also enable the business organization to target variety of customers including those who belongs to Bellchester area, particularly those having job in Birmingham as well as those quality conscious people belonging to Birmingham who wishes to clean their car using the manual car wash as the manual car wash facility are now rarely found in big cities.
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