代写case study:Structure of the Report
Keywords:代写case study

While confronted with the dilemma research methodology an investigator may use either the primary research approach or secondary research approach or some combination of these two methods. (Cooper & Schenider, 2008). The research on hand may be regarded as the secondary research as it will highlight the findings of different researchers in different parts of the world that what value the AIS provide to business organization that in turn increase the significance of the system and widespread adaption of the system for effective decision making. The data that will be used in the paper will be carefully selected and while selecting a particular study effort will be made to take into consideration the relevance as well as the reliability and compatibility of the research study. Essentially be combing the different studies and taking out the key point will add value to the existing knowledge in the field of accounting as it could be relied on business professionals in the implementation of AIS in their business enterprises. A list of some sources could be found in the References section of this paper.
The report will be grouped into five different chapters that include the introduction in which a brief background of the research, the research objectives that the study will be directed to accomplish and different limitations of the study will be provided. In the second chapter a brief literature review will be presented where the need for the study will be highlighted. The third chapter deal with the research methodology in which efforts will be directed towards presenting what different research methods that the writer has utilized and to what extent the conclusion drawn from the study could be trusted by presenting the reliability and accuracy of the research will be discussed in detail.
Essentially the first three chapters will provide the foundation for the proceeding chapters where the fourth chapter will present the data that has will drawn from different published sources that include but not limited to previous research papers, dissertations, academic and professional journals, website resources, books, and other professional reports. In essence this chapter will highlight the different aspects of the topic where the core efforts will be directed towards finding a suitable answer towards the research question that has been raised in the research study. The fifth and the last chapter of the paper will present a brief conclusion and recommendations for future research in the field that could add further to the topic and the existing knowledge in the AIS.
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