
小学大部分是“无性”的环境。儿童在年轻时期不经历性吸引。年幼的孩子是“无辜的”,需要保护性和性(沃特金斯,2000)。Adrienne Rich认为,异性恋是一种暴力的政治制度,有其义务实践什么天生的或自由(富,1983)。这个理论被Debbie Epstein,戈德史密斯学院,伦敦,英国的教育学教授,他从1990以来,研究有关性别和教育。爱泼斯坦的人主要集中在小学性纠纷丰富的说,小学的网站生产和执行者和稳定的生育目的的婚姻、爱和安全感。她认为“强制异性恋”扩展到教育机构和地方性识别沉默但异性恋允许甚至鼓励。一个例子是,在小学里的孩子理想的想象力的发挥和表演了一个异性恋家庭生活–男孩作为父亲的男人,一个女孩的母亲/女性。有那些孩子,但是,规范性异性恋模式不适合在他们的家庭环境。
Primary school is for the most part an ‘asexual’ environment. Children at a young age do not experience sexual attraction. Young children are “innocent” and in need of protection from sex and sexuality (Watkins, 2000). It is argued by Adrienne Rich that heterosexuality is a political institution of violence and that there is nothing innate or free in its compulsory practice (Rich, 1983). This theory is attacked by Debbie Epstein, Professor of Education at Goldsmith’s College, London, England, who has been researching issues relating to sexuality and education since 1990 .Epstein who primarily focuses on sexuality in primary schools, disputes Rich by saying that primary schools are sites for the production and enforcement of heterosexuality and stable marriages for the purpose of procreation, love and security. Her view on “compulsory heterosexuality” is extended to educational institutions and identify places where sexuality is silenced but heterosexuality is permitted and even encouraged. An example would be imaginative play in elementary school where children idealize and act out a heterosexual family life – a boy acting as a father/man, a girl a mother/woman. There are those children however, where the normative heterosexual model does not fit in their home environment.