
Elementary school structure has been an issue debated by educators, administrators, parents and district, state, and national level curriculum personnel for many years. (McGrath, Rust, 2002). Many structural changes have taken place. Changes within schools have been depicted as a "fashion trend' as opposed to a scientific building process (Stevens, 2004). Often changes are proposed and supported without thorough research to indicate the innovations are beneficial. Innovative programs are implemented, and before results of them are evaluated, districts and states move on to another idea.With the 2007 reauthorization of the original 2001 No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), math and reading mastery have become essential because of annual testing and higher expectations with more accountability. There is a high level of instruction that is needed to improve the academic achievement of every student and the necessity to have effective teachers' in general academic subject areas in all classrooms has become a requirement because the NCLB has sought to elevate the performance of American schools and students with federal oversight and strict penalties for poor performance. (U.S. Department of Education, No Child Left Behind: Building on Results, 2007).