
亚瑟·米勒,《坩埚》一书的作者在美国冷战期间参与共产主义活动,考虑到历史背景使他走上了法庭。这种对那些表达不同政治观点的人的妖魔化,在某种意义上被女巫狩猎所具体化,在这种意义上,作者把他的处境比作成千上万的无辜的女人,有时为了个人的满足而被杀。这将会给人们贴上标签,当人们的想法和观点与社会习俗不同时,人们就会对其进行“厌恶”,这在剧中扮演的角色是像Goody Putnam或Danforth这样的角色,他们代表着Miller对社会和个人的判断。被判巫术的人属于清教徒社会,这个社会以其严重程度和对基督教的忠诚而闻名。因此,环境对各种判断都是有利的。举个例子,当约翰·普罗克托被问及为什么他每周日都不去教堂时:“在帕里斯先生的记录中,我注意到你很少在安息日的教堂里”(米勒53)。亚瑟·米勒.黑尔在这里假设,Proctor不是一个好的基督徒,因为他很少在教堂。他没有问约翰是一个好父亲,还是他帮助邻居,他只关心他是否每周都在办公室。这强调了社会环境对个人声誉的重要性。如今,在像法国这样的自由主义国家,决定一个人是否良好的因素可能是他的频繁、慷慨或他在社区中的参与度。在17世纪的塞勒姆,是什么使一个人成为一个好人首先是基督教和教会的出席。社会的判断取决于社会标准和习俗,而这些标准和习俗创造了一个理想的公民,每个人都尽可能地去模仿。在这个精确的历史背景下,这个理想将是一个有孩子的已婚男人,所有受洗的人,每个星期日都去教堂,尊重所有的戒律,在他的土地上辛勤工作,但不一定富有。因为在塞勒姆没有一个人完全符合这幅画像,人们互相指责对方不是好基督徒。正是在这种情况下,米勒决定安装他的阴谋。
Arthur Miller, the author of The Crucible was involved in communist activities during the Cold War in the United States which, considering the historical context brought him to court. This demonization of people who expressed different political views materialized by a witch hunt impregnates the play in the sense that the author compares his situation to the one of the hundreds of thousands innocent women that were sometimes killed for the sake of personal satisfaction. This will to label people and call for abomination when someone's thoughts and opinions differ from social conventions is symbolized in the play with characters like Goody Putnam or Danforth who represent Miller's personalisation of judgement by both society and individuals.People convicted of witchcraft belonged to the Puritan society which is known for its severity and its devotion to Christianity. The environment is thus propitious to all sorts of judgements. It is for example the case when John Proctor is asked why he does not attend Church every Sunday: "In the book of records that Mr Parris keeps, I note that you are rarely in the church on Sabbath Day" (Miller 53). Hale here makes an assumption that Proctor is not a good Christian since he is rarely at the church. He does not ask whether John is a good father or if he helps his neighbours, all he cares about is whether he is physically present at the office every week. This emphasizes the importance of the social environment on one's reputation. Nowadays, in liberal countries like France for example, the factors that determine whether a person is good or not might be his frequentations, his generosity or his involvement in the community. In the Salem of the 17th century, what makes someone a good person is first of all Christianity and the attendance at the Church. Judgement by society depends on the social standards and conventions that create an ideal citizen to which everyone tries to resemble as much as possible. In this precise historical context, this ideal would be a married man with children, all baptized, that would go to the Church every Sunday, respect all of the commandments and work hard on his piece of land without necessarily being rich. Since no one in Salem completely corresponds to this portrait, people judge and accuse each other of not being good Christians. It is in this context propitious to judgement of others that Miller decided to install his plot.