
很多仔细的研究试图找出因素预测学生学业上的成功,尤其是大学生,而这些因素是多种多样的由于学生群体,学术和其他需要鉴别。具体而言,大量的研究集中在测量学生的智力因素和非智力因素,可以作为一般学生学业成功的有用的预测。许多学者从很多高校已经尽可能地多年学术成功的影响因素分类。例如,Kuh和他的助手,做了同样的事情时,他们指出,应该有影响学生学业成功的五大因素(堀et al.,2007)。第一个因素是学生的背景特征,如他或她的人口和其他大学前的经验。第二个因素是制度的结构特征,如制度的维度、任务和准入标准。第三个因素涉及学生和教师,学生和大学工作人员,学生和同龄人之间的相互作用。第四个因素是学生的学习环境意识。最后,大学生在校期间的成就行为是影响学业成功的重要因素之一。学业成功,苦参等五因素。建议的因素非常相似,在Eccles活动的行为模型(Eccles &哈罗德,1991)。Kuh和他的助手们进行交流,大学预科的经验、背景特征和意识作为学术成功的重要因素。在这种情况下,Eccles模式是相似的因为它确定成就背景下选择相同的决定。棉花和Wilson(2006)和苦参等也有同样的想法。因为他们也发现,学生在学业上所施加的努力与学生的成功有一定的联系。研究人员还发现,自我效能感和教学的实质性的高校教学质量系统绝对与学业成就(Pintrich & de Groot,1990)。此外,学者还注意到,还有许多其他因素影响学生在大学期间的成功和勤奋。
a lot of careful researches have attempted to find out the factors that predict the academic success of student, especially the undergraduate student, and the way these factors are diversified due to the fact that students' populations, academic and other needs are differentiating. Specifically, numerous of research studies focus on measuring the student intellectual and non-intellectual factors that can be considered as useful predictors of student academic success in general.Many scholars from a lot of universities have tried as much as possible to classify the determinants of academic success for years. Kuh and his assistants, for example, did the same thing when they pointed out that there should be five factors that influence the academic success of the students (Kuh et al., 2007). The first factor is the background characteristics of students, such as his or her demographic and other pre-college experiences. The second factor is the structural features of the institution, such as its dimensions, missions and admission standard. The third factor relates to the interactions between student and faculty, student and university staff, and student and peers. The fourth factor is the student's awareness of learning environment. Last but not least, the achievement behaviors of students during their study period at college are one of the most important factors which put a big effect on academic success. The five determinants of academic success which Kuh et al. suggests are very similar to the factors are discussed in the model of activity behavior of Eccles (Eccles & Harold, 1991). Kuh and his assistants classified socializers, pre-college experiences, background characteristics and awareness as important factors of academic success. In that case, the model of Eccles is similar because it identified the same determinants of achievement context choices. Cotton and Wilson (2006) had the same idea with Kuh et al. because they also figured out that the efforts which the student put on themselves in the academically educational situations have a certain association with student success. Researchers have also discovered that the self-efficacy and the substantial quality of teaching - learning system in higher education are absolutely linked to academic achievement (Pintrich & De Groot, 1990). Moreover, scholar also noticed that there are still many other factors influencing the success and diligence of students during their college years.