
Evidence from teacher-effectiveness studies indicates that student engagement in learning is to be valued above curriculum plans and materials. Research on teacher effectiveness has yielded a wealth of understanding about the impact that teacher ability has on student growth. Teaching competency is mostly based on level of experience and educational background of the teacher.According to Eggen and Kauchak (2001), positive teachers' attitudes are fundamental to effective teaching. A teacher must be interesting. That is the teacher must work his students into such a state of interest in what the teacher is going to teach him that every other object of attention is banished from his mind. This study is focusing on students' perception in the aspect of teacher's gender, on how teaching effectiveness differ based on their teachers' gender.Based on the findings, students of both genders perceived female teachers as a more effective teacher compared to male teachers. Female teacher compared better than male teacher, in all elements except for one. Female teacher is considered better in making the class more interesting, show more concern towards students' performance, gives more motivation to students, and gives more homework than male teacher. Based on the findings, male teacher rated better only in terms of classroom management.