
由于美国学校系统引入了技术,笔迹被描述为一门失传的艺术。2011年7月7日,MSNBCs,Peter Jennings说,伊利诺斯的学校不再教草书,它现在是可选的在其他四十三个州教草书(詹宁斯)。在我对答案的研究中,我发现了许多文章、研究、录像和出版物,为什么草书对美国的未来很重要。我发现,尽管许多教育家、学者和媒体人士都同意草书应该作为美国学校课程的一部分保留下来,但大多数人还是接受并同意技术将是美国学校未来教学和学习的方式。我还发现,美国有一个短缺的某些职业,今天美国的学龄儿童,将无法获得没有草书所提供的发展利益,当他们长大时(肾,2)。在我的研究中,我遇到了一些支持美国学校草书书写过时的论坛。评论说,技术是更快和更容易使用,而草书只是花了太长的时间来写下(tweentribune)。Lynne Schrum的国际教育技术协会的前主席说,“压力有来自联邦政府,从当地的学校董事会,当然,从大众媒体,教育者上车,让学生成为技术熟练,”(Schrum)。Schrum,研究了在2000回,我们现在是2012,我找不到新的研究显示,最近的研究对美国儿童接受技术集成到学校的好处的结果。
Handwriting is being described as a lost art, due to the introduction of technology in Americas school systems. On July 7, 2011, MSNBCs, Peter Jennings reported that, Illinois schools would no longer teach cursive handwriting and that it is now optional to teach cursive in forty-three other states (Jennings). In my research for answers, I came across many articles, studies, videos and publications, as to why cursive handwriting is important for America's future. I found that though many educators, scholars and media personalities, agreed that cursive handwriting should be kept as part of America's schools curriculum, most just accept and also agreed that technology will be the way of teaching and learning in the future of America's schools. I also found that America has a shortage of certain professions that, today's American school age children, will not be able to obtain without the developmental benefits that cursive handwriting has to offer, when they grow up (Wilm, 2). During my research I came across some forums that were in support of making cursive handwriting obsolete in America's schools. The comments mention that technology was faster and easier to use, and that cursive handwriting just took too long to write down (TweenTribune). Lynne Schrum, past president of the International Society for Technology in Education says, "Pressure abounds from the federal government, from local school boards, and certainly from the popular press, for educators to get on board and see to it that students become technologically skilled," (Schrum). Schrum, research was done back in 2000, we are now in 2012, I could not find new research showing recent studies as to the outcome of the benefits that American children are receiving from technology being integrated into the schools.