
我们如何在不同的文化中进行市场营销?尽管我们对不同的文化进行了大量的研究,但作为一门学科的市场营销,却远远落后于其他领域的研究。之前我们已经发现营销在不同的文化中,通常的重要性,营销的方法太简单了,我们经常用经济理论来解释事实和解决问题,但是,国际营销与管理是一种实践的工作,这是不同于经济研究。首先,我们总是认为不同国家之间的口味、喜好和习惯是可转让的;其次,它也意味着我们可以在不同的国家自由地进行贸易。二十世纪底,我们开始更加重视文化差异的影响,并对文化差异进行了更多的研究。以葡萄酒为例,即使现在葡萄酒已经成为一个全球性的产品,它仍然需要法国人至少十倍的时间来选择合适的年份和葡萄组合比荷兰,谁往往更注重价格。如果我们忽视这种差异,葡萄酒生产商不能在国家营销文化差异的研究还是一个新领域的成功。在文化营销方面的问题的第一个严肃的书是由克劳德写的1997 usunier。在这本书中,他主要比较了文化系统之间的差异,并指出文化也是影响商业的一个因素,就像其他社会政治一样,。金融、生态和法律因素。然而,Usunier并没有解决问题并提供可行的解决方案。文化,在谈到汉普登特纳在我们的研究中,不同于usunier描述的理论,这是不是一个因素在交易环境过程。文化因素对营销的基本策略、客户关系管理、产品定义、价格、广告和其他业务流程提出了挑战。总之,文化无处不在。
How do we market in different cultures? Although we have done many researches about the different cultures, marketing, which is as a discipline, has lagged behind other researches in recognizing the need for it. Before we have found the importance of marketing in different cultures, usually, the approach for marketing was too simple, and we often use the economic theory to explain facts and solve problems, however, international marketing and management is a kind of practical work, which is different from the economic research. Firstly, we always assume that tastes, preferences, and habits are transferable between different countries; secondly, it also implies that we can do the trade freely in different countries. In the end of 20th century, we began to lay more emphasis on the influence of cultural differences, and more research have been done about the cultural differences. Take wine as an example, even now wine has become a global product, it still takes the French at least ten times longer to chose the right vintage and grape combination than it does the Dutch, who tend to be more focused on price. If we ignore this kind of difference, wine producers cannot success in both countries.the researches about cultural differences of marketing are still a new field. The first serious book on the subject of the cultural aspects of marketing was written by Jean-Claude Usunier in 1997. In this book, he mainly compares the differences between cultural systems and refers that culture is also a factor affecting business, like other socio-political,. financial, ecological, and legal factors. However, Usunier does not resolve the dilemmas and offer practical solutions. Culture, based on our research at Trompenaars Hampden-Turner, is different from what describe in Usunier's theory, which is not simply a factor like most processes in the transactional environment. The factor of culture challenges the fundamental strategy of marketing, customer relations management, definition of product, price, advertisement and other business processes. In short, culture is all pervading.