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人们常说孩子并不难,但他们发现自己和他们的反应会使事情变得困难。他们对形势的处理反映了他们的情绪和他们的个人需要。本文将通过干预策略,可以在工作场所,在特定的情况下使用的伦理问题;它还将处理,是通过这一战略的使用和支持其使用的道德权利的保护。在一开始,重要的是要了解自然的环境这种情况会发生。该单位是一个少年男性罪犯安全拘留中心。它采用了一种治疗危机干预(TCI)策略,所有员工都接受了培训。这一战略是从上世纪80年代专门为儿童开发的住宅设施康奈尔大学;它试图确保危机不会发生,也减少了潜在的或实际的伤害儿童和工作人员和年轻人提供的战略来应对他们认为是困难的或有潜在威胁的情况下(格拉德斯通利物浦。uk)。每个单独的事件看作是一个学习的工具,是用来使年轻人思考为什么他们的行为方式,他们为自己的行为负责,影响他们的行为已对他人和他们如何能够成功地前进,从目前的位置,通过改变他们的行为方式,(newreflections uk)。这种过程是由琼斯和Charlton所倡导的(1996)人认为“更持久的解决方案将需要一个深入的评估,并作出适当的反应,使人们的行为在某些方面的不可见因素。”这和任何其他干预策略的成功是依赖于情感的理解,人的行为方式的主要因素;“意识到,这个组件[情感]的认识和规划是任何干预…不可或缺的一部分”(灰2002)。
It has often been said that a child is not difficult but the situation in which they find themselves and their response to it can make things difficult. Their handling of the situation reflects their emotions and their individual needs. This essay will look at the ethical issues raised by an intervention strategy that could be used in a specific scenario in the workplace; it will also address the rights that are being protected through the use of that strategy and the ethics that underpin its use.At the outset, it is important to understand the nature of the environment in which this scenario would be happening. The unit is a secure detention centre for male young offenders. It operates a Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) strategy for which all members of staff are trained. This strategy was developed by Cornell University in the 1980s specifically for residential facilities for children; it tries to ensure that crisis’s do not occur, that there is a reduction of potential and/or actual injury to both children and the staff and that young people are provided with strategies with which to cope in what they perceive to be difficult or potentially threatening situations (gladstone-liverpool.gov.uk). Each individual incident is treated as a learning tool and is used to enable the young person to think through why they behave as they do, their responsibility for their actions, the effect that their actions have had on others and how they can successfully move forward from their present position through changing the way that they behave (newreflections.co.uk). This kind of process is advocated by Jones and Charlton (1996) who contend that “more lasting solutions will require an in-depth assessment of, and appropriate responses to, less visible factors which cause people to behave in certain ways.” The success of this and any other intervention strategy is dependent upon the understanding of emotions as a major contributory factor in the way that people behave; “being aware of, understanding and planning for this component [emotion] is an essential part of any intervention…” (Grey 2002).

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