Identifying the buying behaviour patterns of both the attendee and the sponsor in the sports sector of the events industry entails considering that such is taking place within a semi controlled environment which in effect aids the sponsor as there are less outside competing influences vying for the attendees attention even though the atmosphere is charged with intense mental and other stimuli. The relationship involved in the setting indicated, sports sector of the events industry, means that the sponsor represents the marketer seeking to influence the outcome with reference to the attendee, to have him or her try, purchase, or consider their offering. In this context, the sponsor is seeking multiple outcomes representing a past, now and future connotation in that the preceding represent either changing an attendees preconceived notions or ideas of his offering, this represents past influences, having the attendee purchase or try the product within the setting at the event, and influencing the attendee to re-consider their ideas on his offering that could result in trial, consideration, inquiry, trial or purchase after leaving the event.These preceding multiple objectives are valid approaches in that a singular approach, seeking ‘now’ results, overlooks and ignores the other equally important factors that are present in any gathering of distinctly different individuals of varied age groups, experiences, backgrounds and demographics. The opinions expressed by Engel et al (1968) suggest that an advertiser or sponsor should be mindful not to overstate nor understand the attributes, features or other aspects of their offering as this might result in a negative perception when real world circumstances such as actual usage or trail occur. Dubois (2000) reminds us that theorists such as Sigmund Freud have attempted to analyze what might influence individuals studying the psyche as well as subconscious motivations as their means of doing so.