
虽然这些研究离学术诚信的标准还很远,但这似乎并不是ACU的主要关注点。为一群失去国际社会关注的人实施了一项试点计划,国际社会往往资助和实施这些努力。如果在实施急需的教育结构方面取得了进展,那么扎实的学术程序或许应该排在第二位。2014年,肯尼亚实施了难民营三个在线项目中的第二个(Abdi, 2016)。这项工作是代表加拿大(约克大学和英属哥伦比亚大学)和肯尼亚(肯雅塔大学和莫伊大学)大学(Abdi, 2016)共同呼吁的无国界难民高等教育项目(BHER)的合作努力。该项目的重点是教师培训(Abdi, 2016)。这种集中的目的是双重的。首先,它为遣返或移民到另一个国家的难民创造了就业机会(Abdi, 2016)。其次,它打算为营地内的教育创造更多的资源(Abdi, 2016)。如果有更多的老师,那么就可以接触到更多的学生。更重要的是,难民教师培训使历史上殖民化的教育体系转向了基于殖民前文化的原则和价值观的教育。
While these studies are far from the standard of academic integrity, it appears that may not be the major concern of ACU. A pilot program was implemented for a group of people that have lost the attention of the international community – which tends to fund and implement these endeavors. If there is progress toward implementing much needed educational structure, then perhaps solid academic procedure should come second.The second of three online programs that has taken place in refugee camps was implemented in Kenya in 2014 (Abdi, 2016). This undertaking was a collaborative effort on behalf of several Canadian (York University and University of British Columbia) and Kenyan (Kenyatta University and Moi University) universities (Abdi, 2016) collectively calling the project Borderless Higher Education for Refugees (BHER). The major focus in this program was teacher training (Abdi, 2016). The purpose of this concentration was twofold. First, it created employment opportunities for refugees upon repatriation or immigration to another country (Abdi, 2016). Second, it intended to create a greater resource for education within the camps (Abdi, 2016). If there were more teachers, then more students could be reached. More importantly, teacher training with refugees moves the historically colonialized educational system to education that implements principles and values based on the pre-colonized culture.