澳洲迪肯市场学作业代写 哈罗德

对哈罗德来说,了解竞争对手的战略是至关重要的。然而,竞争对手所说的和所做的可能有一个关键的区别。识别竞争对手对其战略的看法可以在他们的年度股东报告中披露(波特,1997)。另一方面,竞争对手实际上在做什么,可以通过他们的实际行动,如资本投资和战略伙伴关系来确定(波特,1997)。例如,Selfridges在网上购物平台上进行了投资,让顾客购物更加方便。竞争分析框架的最后一个关键部分是检查竞争者的资源和能力。在任何竞争情况下,资源和能力决定了企业有效应对的能力(Leo, 1982)。这可以通过进行财务分析或SWOT分析进行分析。在竞争对手方面,Selfridges可以被认为是Harrods的主要竞争对手,因为在过去的四年里,Harrods和Selfridges的市场份额都增长了40% (Retail Data, 2017)。此外,像House of Fraser这样的其他公司最近经历了严重的财务损失,不得不关闭了许多门店,这表明House of Fraser在与哈罗德百货(Harrods)和塞尔福里奇百货(Selfridges)这样的公司竞争时能力较差。Harrods吸引着来自世界各地的消费者,而中国人是Harrods的主要消费者,在2016年在高端时尚和配饰上花费了超过2亿英镑(the Economist, 2014)。这占了哈罗德2016年20亿英镑年收入的10%以上(Hancock, 2017)。此外,作为一家商店而不是多家连锁店,哈罗德可以产生更高的排他性,这意味着优秀的品牌声誉,从而提高消费者的认知度。此外,Harrods还为他们的顾客提供包括折扣和促销在内的奖励计划,这使得Harrods不仅能留住他们现有的顾客,还能吸引新的顾客。这对哈罗德百货公司是有益的,因为让顾客高兴可以在短期内带来更大的销售额,在长期内带来健康的利润。
澳洲迪肯市场学作业代写 哈罗德
knowledge of competitor’s strategy is vital for Harrods. However, there can be a key difference in what the competitor says and what it does. To identify what a competitor is saying about its strategy can be revealed in their annual shareholder reports (Porter, 1997). On the other hand, what the competitor actually is doing can be identified through their tangible actions such as capital investments and strategic partnerships (Porter, 1997). For example, Selfridges have invested on online shopping platform to make shopping more convenient for their customers.The final key component of the competitive analysis framework examines the competitor’s resources and capabilities. In any competitive situations resources and capabilities determines a firm’s ability to respond effectively (Leo, 1982). This can be analysed by conducting financial analysis or SWOT analysis. In terms of Harrods competitors, Selfridges can be considered as Harrods main rival as both Harrods and Selfridges market share has increased by 40% over the last four years (Retail Data, 2017). Further, other firms such as House of Fraser recently went through severe financial loss and had to close many of their stores showing that House of Fraser is less capable to compete with the likes of Harrods and Selfridges.Harrods attracts consumers from all over the world and the Chinese are Harrods main consumer, spending over £200 million on high end fashion and accessories in 2016 (The Economist, 2014). This accounted for over 10% of Harrods £2 billion annual revenue in 2016 (Hancock, 2017). Further, being one store rather than multiple chains allows Harrods to generate higher exclusivity meaning excellent brand reputation and therefore increase in awareness amongst consumers. In addition, Harrods provide rewards scheme for their customers which includes of discounts and promotions allowing Harrods not only to keep their existing customers but also attracting new customers. This is beneficial for Harrods as keeping customers happy can lead to greater sales on the short run and healthy profit on the long run.