弗林德斯代写assignment:Foucault’s theory on subjectiv

福柯认为主体是做作的力量和知识生成的工作,其合作的程度是如此的协调,他采用一个单一的“权力/知识”来形容它。福柯认为,随着时间的增长,人类产生了新的知识,用来区分异常行为和正常行为。在相同的方式,Friedrich Nietzsche,一个福柯的工作重点的先驱,以道德作为一种对抗强大的反击,福柯认为知识和话语只是权力的工具,实现了人类群体总的组织。由此可以推断,文化,作为一种人类知识的地质、人口、民族、等形,可以体现权力,建构主体。在这篇文章中,主体性的讨论来阐述索赔是性能/操演和惯习。
弗林德斯代写assignment:Foucault’s theory on subjectivity
Foucault, as a representative of poststructuralist theorist, defines subjectivity as the product of culture and power, as opposed to those who see it as innate and naturally occurring. In his point of view, subject is a construct[1]. It is not born with all its nature and scope embodied in a preliminary form, but is shaped and formed by the broad relationships of power existed everywhere in society. Foucault states that the subject is contrived by the resultant work of both power and knowledge, the extent of whose cooperation is so coordinated that he adopts a single term “power/knowledge” to describe it. According to Foucault, as the power grows with time, it develops new knowledge of human beings, which is employed to distinguish abnormal behavior from normal ones. As in the same way as Friedrich Nietzsche, one of the key forerunners of Foucault’s work, regards the morality as a counter-strike against the powerful, Foucault sees the knowledge and its discourses as merely instruments of power to achieve a total organization of human populations. It can thus be inferred that, culture, as a form of human knowledge shaped by geology, population, ethnics, etc., can be an embodiment of power that construct subjectivity. In this essay, the subjectivity discussed to elaborate the claim is performance/performativity and habitus.