
根据它的定义,教义讲“政策”或“一套指导方针”。在战争的背景下,它指的是一个一般的哲学或一套信念有关的长期战役或军事行动是如何执行。固有的这个概念是一个人的元素,是分开的工具或设备用于执行该计划所塑造的学说。简单地说,这个计划,根据一般的思维过程或“教义”,是由人类的手。如果你理解存在学说和人类的元素或领导之间的关系,可以得出结论,存在主义和执行原则之间的粘结是几乎一样的在许多方面,美国空军少校Steve Michael介绍,这个概念在他的航空动力学报,他认为“军事成员了解主义军事临界值2001的文章。他们也非常重视领导。没有教条或领导,服务是一个无头的载体…受到制度的失效和战场上的失败。”他继续补充说,“学说有着千丝万缕的联系和领导的概念,在许多方面,它提供了依据。”此外,米迦勒总结出概念指出,没有合理的判断提供领导,原则是不够的,在这种情况下,原则和领导都粘合在一起。
By its very definition, doctrine speaks to “policy” or “a set of guidelines”. In the context of warfare, it refers to a general philosophy or set of beliefs pertaining to how a prolonged campaign or military operation is to be executed. Inherent to this concept is a human element that is separate from the tools or equipment used to carry out that plan as shaped by the doctrine. Simply stated, the plan, based on a general thought process or “doctrine”, is determined by human hands. If one understands the relationship that exists between doctrine and this human element or leadership, one can easily draw the conclusion that the bond that exists between doctrine and those executing the doctrine are virtually one and the same in many respects.United States Air Force Major Steve Michael introduced this concept in his 2001 article in Aerospace Power Journal where he states that “Military members understand the critical value of doctrine to the military. They also critically value leadership. Without doctrine or leadership, the service is a headless vector…subjected to institutional failure and battlefield defeat.” He would go on to add that “Doctrine is inextricably interwoven with the concept of leadership and in many respects provides the basis for it.” Further, Michael sums up the concept by stating that without sound judgment provided by leadership, doctrine is not enough and that in this vein, doctrine and leadership are bonded together.