
我记得Que教授说过,刚开始的时候,学生们很气馁,觉得很难使用。但是一旦你知道如何使用它,你就会学会爱上它。起初,我在浏览这个网站的时候感到困惑,但当我开始发布我的作品时,我一点一点地了解到它的优点,这可能就是我觉得自己已经掌握了它的原因。在《学习理论》的文章《家庭作业》中,有很大一部分是关于学习、同化和住宿的。我的Mahara经历肯定反映了这些过程。越来越多的教师成为促进者,而学习者则更多地参与和管理他们的学习。因此,对学习者来说,学习这些技能的最佳途径是参与诸如Mahara文件夹、信息图表、二维码等活动。最后,我想说的是,我对Ed Tech 210印象深刻。这并不是要得到Que教授的好感,而是一个真诚的意见。当我注册的时候,我以为我们会制作海报之类的东西,现在我意识到我错了。去年11月,我在线报名参加了加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的Coursera新技术课程,我很自豪地说,我们在COE的Ed技术课程并不落后。作为一名教师,我从如何管理这门课程中学到了很多。所有的课程要求和课程期望都被定义,最后期限也被提前设定。我以前认为我很有条理,但这次好多了。因为我们将在8月份开始下学期,所以我将把这些课程设置成我的课程管理。
I remember Professor Que saying that at first, students get discouraged and see it as difficult to use. But once you know how to use it, you learn to love it. Initially, I felt bewildered while navigating the site but once I started posting my work, I learned its nice features little by little which is probably the reason why I feel I have mastered it. In the learning theory article homework, a large part of the article was devoted on learning, assimilation, and accommodation. My Mahara experience is surely a reflection of these processes. More and more teachers are becoming facilitators and learners are more involved and in charge of their learning. Hence, hands on activities like the Mahara portfolio, infographics, qr codes, and more are the best ways for a learner to acquire the skills. as a final word, let me say that I am very impressed with Ed Tech 210. This is not to get the good graces of Professor Que but a sincere opinion. When I enrolled, I thought we were going to make posters and the like and I realize now that I was really mistaken. Last November, I enrolled online in a UCLA led Coursera course on emerging technologies and I am proud to say that our Ed Tech courses at COE are not lagging behind. As a teacher, I learned a lot from how this course was managed. All course requirements and course expectations were defined and deadlines were set in advance. I used to think I was very organized but this was far more better. Since we are starting the next semester in August, I be benchmarking these into my course administration.