
作为一名体育教师,户外娱乐和户外教育对我来说都很重要。户外娱乐是HPE教师的一个重要例子。由于所有学校的体育项目都不会得到同样的资助,因此,能够到户外去创造一种游戏或活动,利用我们周围的自然景观,是至关重要的。这样做将向学生展示如何尊重地使用土地,从而可以编织成一节环境教育的课。使用户外娱乐作为一种学习工具的好处是,它可以非常经济有效,游戏可以由学生在家玩没有太多设备,学生开始欣赏自然环境和融入其中。户外教育可以与户外娱乐活动相辅相成。我相信他们是互补的。在娱乐中,他们可以和一个地方建立关系,而在户外教育中,他们知道为什么这种关系如此重要。在我作为HPE教师的职业生涯中,我也将努力使用冒险教育。我相信在课堂上使用冒险教育,因为它可以加强整个班级,让不同的朋友圈互相交流。对我来说,一个挑战就是在一个看似高风险的学校环境中提供这样的挑战。如果学校预算允许的话,解决这个问题的一种可能的方法就是去某个地方一日游。当我们不在课堂上上课时,也就是我开始教学生关于生态系统和模仿关系的时候。这些都是户外教育难题的重要组成部分因为他们教会学生我们如何影响一个小的有机体然后如何影响整个生态系统。在过去,对于是否应该在HPE教室里教授所有这些内容,存在一些争论,但我同意l·b·夏普(L. B. Sharp,引用于Ewert & Sibthorp, 2014)的观点,他说:“那些最好在室外教授的东西应该在室外教授。
Both outdoor recreation and outdoor education are important to me being a HPE teacher. Outdoor recreation is one of the big examples of being a HPE teacher. Since all schools will not have the same funding for their sporting programs, the ability to go outside and create a game or activity, that uses the natural landscapes around us, are vitally important. Doing this will show the students how to use the land respectfully and in turn can be woven into a lesson of Environmental Education. The benefits of using outdoor recreation as a learning tool are that it can be very cost effective, the games can be played by the students at home without much equipment and the students begin to appreciate the natural environment and getting immersed within it. Outdoor education can work well alongside outdoor recreation. I believe that they complement each other well. In recreation, they can make relationships to a place while in outdoor education they learn why that relationship is so important. During my career as a HPE teacher I will also be endeavouring to use Adventure Education. I believe that using Adventure Education in a class setting as it can strengthen the class as a whole and make different friendship circles communicate with each other. A challenge for me will be providing such a challenge in a school setting that seems high risk even when it isn't. A possible way around this would be a day trip somewhere if the school budget allows it. When we are not doing practical classes and are in the classroom, that is when I will begin to teach the students about ecosystemic and ekistic relationships. These are both important pieces to the outdoor education puzzle as they teach the students how we can impact one little organism and then how that can impact the ecosystem as a whole. In that past there has been some debate on whether all this should be taught in a HPE classroom, but I agree with L. B. Sharp (cited in Ewert & Sibthorp, 2014) when he said "those things which can best be taught outdoors should there be taught"