
尽管英国对种族和体育领域的研究有相当大的兴趣(Chappell等,1996;Norris & Jones,1998)主要关注“堆叠”和“中心性”的问题是描述性术语中有用的证据。然而,就表明体育领域种族主义正在减少的可量化数据而言,从这些来源获得体育领域种族主义正在减少的假设是很天真的。因此,马奎尔(1991)认识到有必要对这一领域进行更多的定性和定量研究,“希望能产生更全面的图景”。豪,1976;这些研究只集中在顶级黑人球员的经历上。这已经被重点确认了关于低级别联赛球员种族主义经历的数据非常少。因此,这是一个有价值的研究,因为它不仅将探索种族主义的不同途径,而且还将提供一个更广阔的画面,关于种族主义的经验在低级别联赛足球运动员。据信,非联赛足球,在英国的足球等级的中间部分,将被证明是一个脚踏实地的地方进行这样的研究有各种各样的原因。首先,种族关系的现实在较低水平的比赛中可能比在专业体育的完善环境中更真实(Hoberman, 1997),因为它不那么世界性。以下需要调查的顶级运动已经得到霍恩(1996),他表示,关注足球文化的低水平可能是有益的在理解不同形式的依恋,和认同,黑人球员的比赛,因为这些日常水平很可能是“重要的巩固和网站可能改变种族主义态度”(p . 61)。他进一步表示,调查在不同级别的足球需要如果少数民族参与体育和更广泛的社区要更好的理解和欣赏种族主义无疑是一个敏感的问题,重要的是要弄清楚什么是种族主义进行研究。
Although there has been a sizable interest of studies in the area of race and sport in the UK (Chappell et al. 1996; Norris & Jones,1998) focusing primarily on the issues of “stacking” and “centrality” is useful evidence in a descriptive term. However, in terms of quantifiable data indicating that there is a decrease racism in sport, it would be very nave to gain assumptions that their was a decrease in racism in sport from these sources. Maguire (1991) has therefore recognised that there is a need for greater qualitative as well as quantitative research into the area in the “hope that a more rounded picture may be produced”some qualitative research involving racism in English football has been carried out (Cashmore,1982; Howe, 1976; Maguire, 1991), these studies only concentrated on the experiences of top level Black players. This has been highlights to identify there is very little data on the experiences of racism on lower league footballers. Therefore, this is a worthy study because not only will it explore the different avenues of racism, but will also give a broader picture as to the experiences of racism in lower league footballers. It is believed that non-league football, which consists of the middle section of the football hierarchy in the United Kingdom, would prove to be a grounded place for such a study for a variety of reasons. First, the realities of race relations could well be more real at lower levels of the game than in the polished environment of professional sport (Hoberman, 1997) due to its less cosmopolitan nature.The need to investigate below the top level of sport has been echoed by Horne (1996),who stated that focusing on the lower level of soccer culture may be beneficial in understanding the differing forms of attachment to, and identification with, the game for Black players, as these everyday levels could well be “important sites for consolidating and possibly transforming racist attitudes” (p. 61). He further stated that investigations at different levels of soccer are needed if involvement of ethnic minorities in sport and in the wider community are to be better understood and appreciated Racism is undoubtedly a sensitive issue and it is important to be clear on what racism is when conducting the research.