
欧洲艺术,也被称为西方艺术,随着时间的推移经历了多个阶段和变化。这种艺术在历史上经历了多个阶段。这些阶段包括:中世纪、文艺复兴、矫揉造作、巴洛克、浪漫主义、现实主义、现当代艺术每一阶段的这种艺术形式的作品往往都包含着一种独特的文化、形式和类型的艺术表现。因此,文艺复兴时期的艺术是从1400年左右在意大利发展起来的艺术表现时期。这种表现形式在14、15、16世纪的欧洲出现并蓬勃发展,开创了艺术表现的新时代和新形式。这是基于对与自然有关的事物的日益增强的认识和一种新的看法,在这种看法中,人被视为是个人主义的,而不是基于普遍化。这种艺术形式也可以被看作是对社会正在经历的新的意识阶段的描述,如生活世俗化的社会和经济变化,社会流动性和基于理性主义的经济的兴起。文艺复兴时期欧洲艺术所运用的技巧是相当独特的。这些包括;比例使用的形式化(Baxdall, 1974)。这是一种艺术形式之间的视觉关系的创造。在整幅画中画线的地方也经常使用透视法,以营造出一种纵深感的错觉。意大利文艺复兴时期的艺术家莱昂纳多·达·芬奇也介绍了模糊处理技术的应用,这是一种模糊和软化的技术,允许在整幅画中融入色调。因此,这一时期出现的大多数艺术作品都代表了这些方面的大部分,从长远来看,它成为了一种与欧洲艺术相关的风格。下面是列奥纳多·达·芬奇的一幅欧洲文艺复兴时期的艺术作品,描绘了上述元素。
European art, also known as Western Art has gone through multiple steps and changes over time. There are multiple stages in history in which this kind of art can be explained through. These stages include; medieval, renaissance, mannerism, baroque, romanticism, realism, modern and contemporary art Every stage of this forms of art work tend to encompass a unique culture, form and type of art representation. The renaissance art is therefore, a period of art representation that developed in Italy from about 1400. The type of representation emerged and thrived throughout the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries in Europe where it brought out a new era and form in artistic representation. This is based on the increased awareness of matters related to nature and a new perception where man was viewed as being individualistic and not based on a generalization. The art form can also be seen to be a depiction of the new stage of awareness that the society was going through such as the social and economic changes of the secularization of life, social mobility and a rise of an economy based on rationalism.The techniques applied in the renaissance form of European art are quite unique. These include; the formalization of use of proportion (Baxdall, 1974). This is a creation of visual relationship between the objects found in the forms of art. The use of foreshortening was also frequently applied where lines were drawn throughout the paintings, to create an illusion of depth. Italian Renaissance artist, Leonardo da Vinci, also introduced the application of the sfumato technique which is the use of a blurring and softening technique to allow blending in tone throughout the painting. Most of the artwork that emerged during this period therefore, represented most of these aspects and it became a style related to European art, in the long run. Below is an example of an European Renaissance art work by Leonardo da Vinci which depicts the aforementioned elements.