澳洲教育学作业代写 专业小学
Keywords:澳洲教育学作业代写 专业小学

鲍登之家学校是一所比一般专业学校小的学校,每周为9-18岁有严重社会、情感和心理健康问题(SEMH)、有行为、情感和社会困难(BESD)的男孩提供住宿。每个学校需要识别和地址发送的学生支持和必须使用与发送他们最好的努力确保孩子得到他们需要的支持——在这个例子中,这意味着竭尽所能满足儿童和年轻人的SEMH需求。作为一个教育和技能委员会报告中补充备忘录(2005),男爵夫人沃尔诺克声称,一些学生可能与深刻的障碍较小的“无法学习在一个大型综合学校,即使他们有助教每周一定数量的小时”,“那些情绪和行为问题. .只要他们呆在学校里,困难就会增加。在宝登楼学校,所有学生都有一个健康中心,教学助理的使用对我们学生的教与学是不可或缺的。中学的预算限制正在影响学校的送校供应。《发送守则》(6.2)规定:“每所学校都必须确定学生的特殊需要并注明其地址,并尽其所能确保学生得到他们需要的支持。”在最近对一所全纳中学的访问中,有趣的是,从实施的SEN政策中,我们注意到“所有的教师都是有特殊教育需要的学生的教师”。然而,并非所有使用SEND的学生都在学习支持部门工作或拥有EHCP。特别针对SEMH的学生,教学助理主要在系里和SEMH的学生一起工作,而不是在教室里。这是因为他们没有很多助教,所以不可能为教室里的所有学生提供支持。当学生在课堂上需要助教的帮助时,学生们会分享助教的帮助。这导致学生被分成4-5个有高度需求的班级。然后需要确保没有创建“接收器组”。主要目的是让学生更独立,使他们能应付自己的课程,差异化和质量第一的教学。在主流中学课程中助教对SEMH的支持是必要的吗?还是他们阻碍了学生的进步?
澳洲教育学作业代写 专业小学
Bowden House School is a smaller than average specialist school providing weekly residential boarding for boys age 9-18yrs with severe social, emotional and mental health issues (SEMH), previously behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD). Every school is required to identify and address the SEND of the pupils they support and must use their best endeavours to make sure a child with SEND gets the support they need – in this instance, this means doing everything they can to meet children and young people’s SEMH needs. As a supplementary memorandum in the Education and Skills Committee report (2005), Baroness Warnock exclaims that some students with less profound disabilities may “be unable to learn in a large comprehensive school even if they have Teaching Assistants for a certain number of hours a week”, “Those with emotional and behavioural problems.. difficulties will increase as long as they stay in school” (Ev.9). At Bowden House School all students have an EHCP and the use of teaching assistants is integral to the teaching and learning of our students. Budget constraints in secondary schools is impacting on school SEND provision. The SEND code of practice (6.2) specifies ‘Every school is required to identify and address the SEN of the pupils and use their best endeavours to ensure the students get the support they need’. On a recent visit to an inclusive secondary school, it was interesting to note from the SEN policy in place that “All teachers are teachers of students with special educational needs”. However, not all students with SEND worked with the learning support department or had an EHCP. Looking specifically at SEMH students, the teaching assistants mainly worked with the SEMH students within the department and not in the classroom setting. This was because they did not have many teaching assistants, so it was not possible to provide support for all the students in the classroom. Where students needed support from the teaching assistants in lessons, the students shared a TA. This led to the students being grouped into 4-5 with a high level of need in one class. There is then the need to ensure that ‘sink groups’ were not created. The main aim is to make the students more independent so they can cope in lessons on their own with differentiation and quality first teaching. Are TAs necessary in supporting SEMH in mainstream secondary lessons? Or were they hindering the student and holding back progress?
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