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澳洲政治学essay代写 全球化的过程

Keywords:澳洲政治学essay代写 全球化的过程

全球化的过程可以被描述为世界人们之间变得更加一体化,世界各国企业和政府,由于重大的技术进步,贸易和投资允许“跨境之间的相互作用和相互依赖的加强国家”(Baylis和史密斯,2016)。外交政策可以被描述为一个国家或行为体在国际体系内针对另一个国家或行为体的行为和行动(Breach, 2012)。这篇文章将分析如果全球化改变了外交政策的内容和方式是由国家和来自世界各地的外交官,通过观察各个州之间的关系是如何改变随着时间的推移,由于全球化,以及非国家行为体的影响改变了外交政策的方式,认为全球化使得整体外交政策,改变态度同时分析这可能带来的潜在负面影响。在日益全球化的时代,要分析外交政策的内容和行为是否发生了变化,首先要评估国家间的外交关系是如何随着时间发生变化的。看待这个问题的最佳方式是评估美国是如何从一个孤立主义国家变成一个国际主义国家,成为全球化世界的一部分。过去,许多国家在外交关系上采取孤立主义的态度。孤立主义是指政府不参与其他国家的事务,这在整个殖民时期的美国尤其突出(Longley, 2018)。然而,近几十年来,美国被迫采取外向型对待外交政策,尤其是由于其参与世界各地的战争,和其他国家一样——他们彼此建立联盟,以帮助支持,特别是在冷战时,美国正试图遏制从苏联共产主义的传播,他们希望他们的新欧洲盟友寻求帮助。由于国家间紧张局势的加剧,建立了新的机构以防止今后发生进一步的暴行。欧洲共同体成立防止战争再次发生在欧洲,北约成立时主要的西方盟国之间,这样任何攻击一个国家他们可以更好的合作,和1945年成立的联合国,许多主要国家包括美国在内的建立中发挥了关键作用。这些机构的建立使各国团结在一起,从而创造了我们今天所知的相互联系的全球化世界。
澳洲政治学essay代写 全球化的过程
Globalization can be described as the process in which the world has become more integrated among people, companies and governments of nations around the world, thanks to significant advancements in technology, trade and investment allowing for “an intensification of cross-border interactions and interdependence between countries” (Baylis and Smith, 2016). Foreign policy can be described as the behavior and actions of one state or actor that is directed towards another state or actor within the international system (Breach, 2012).  This essay will analyze if globalization has changed the content of foreign policy and the way in which it is conducted by countries and diplomats from around the world, by looking at how relationships between individual states have changed over time as a result of globalization, and how the impact of non-state actors has changed the way foreign policy is conducted, arguing that globalization has allowed for a change in attitudes overall towards foreign policy,   whilst also analyzing the potential negative impacts this may have had.The first way to analyze whether the content and conduct of foreign policy has changed in an era of increased globalization is to assess how diplomatic relations between states have changed over time. The best way to look at this is to assess how the United States went from being isolationist to an internationalist nation, becoming very much a part of a globalized world. In the past, many nations have taken an isolationist approach to diplomatic relations. Isolationism is the idea that government takes no role in the affairs of other nations, this was especially prominent in the United States throughout the colonial period (Longley, 2018). However, in recent decades the United States has been forced to take an outward looking approach towards foreign policy, particularly due to its involvement in wars across the world, as did other countries – they built alliances to help support one another and particularly throughout the Cold War when the United States was trying to contain the spread of communism from the Soviet Union, they looked to their new European allies for assistance. As a result of the increased tensions between nations, new institutions were set up to prevent further atrocities from occurring in the future. The European Community was set up to prevent war from occurring again in Europe, NATO was founded between key western allies so that in the event of any attack on a nation they could better cooperate, and 1945 saw the founding of the United Nations, which many major nations including the United States played a key role in setting up. The founding of these institutions bought nations together and as a result created the interconnected globalized world we now know today.

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