澳洲心理学作业代写 味觉测试
Keywords:澳洲心理学作业代写 味觉测试

澳洲心理学作业代写 味觉测试
In the second study Participants were recruited by a newspaper ad and were told it was a taste test study. There were test done to determine if anyone was a potential at risk drinker and allergic to anything. Participants were told it would be done at a private research firm, Stat-Food, which is a false company made for the study only. Some participants were given alcohol and others were given a placebo. The placebo group were randomly given drink conditions. Then placebo group allowed researchers to find the pharmacological effects of alcohol. However, the placebo group grew suspicion. In the condition where they were give alcohol they were told they would taste drinks without alcohol, but it tasted like alcohol. After the participants had their drinks, they were asked to do an ad for the drinks. Then, they were told to rate how attractive they perceived themselves at that moment and an objective judge rated the participants as well. The results for the second study showed that when participant thought they drank alcohol had positive self- evaluations than those who did not have alcohol. The effect of alcohol content and alcohol expectancy were not important. ‘’The study suggested that alcohol related expectancies, but not actual alcohol content, influenced self-evaluations of attractiveness’’ The studies showed when people drink alcohol, they see themselves as more attractive and alcohol-related experiences lead to a increase of people think they are attractive, but there was no evidence that alcohol-related expectancies decreased attractiveness in unattractive individuals. The research showed alcohol-related expectancies can boost self-perceived attractiveness. However, the perceived attractiveness is not shared by anyone else.