澳洲格里菲斯作业代写 仁慈的典范
Keywords:澳洲格里菲斯作业代写 仁慈的典范

澳洲格里菲斯作业代写 仁慈的典范
Voss argues that the presentation of Perry is a ‘model for mercy followed by life imprisonment’.It is evident that Perry has experienced rejection all of his life, from his family, from the nuns that were supposed to look after him, and from the general public as a result of his grotesque appearance and heritage. Perry recounts how his ‘real and only friend’ Willie-Jay, was the only person to ever recognise ‘his worth, his potentialities, had acknowledged he was not just an undersized, over-muscled half-breed’.Voss argues that ‘The evidence indicating Perry Smith’s life as a sociological and psychological mess is overwhelming…’. Capote provides the reader with excessive information about Perry’s difficult upbringing and distressing adult life, suggesting he was predestined to turn to a life of crime. It is this grotesque character, revealed to the readers to be a sensitive man with artistic capabilities, who turns the reader attention back to the society that created him. American society is asked how the behaviour of others and the structures in place forced him into his outsider status from which this uncontrollable angered stemmed.Teresa Goddu explains that ‘[i]nstead of fleeing reality, the gothic registers its culture’s contradictions, presenting a distorted, not a disengaged, version of reality.’. This is evident as Capote uses the Gothic to expose the reality of American society. The focalised narrative style allows the readers to become uncomfortably close to killers so there is a ‘problematic relationship between watching and participating in such violence, thus suggesting the reader’s moral complicity in the murderer’s terrible crime.’.[30] However, in In Cold Blood, American society is partially complicit in the crime as it is partly their behaviours and social structures which aid in the formation of the killers. Whether it be their outdated preconceptions what an American looks like or their brutal capital punishment system, Capote uses the excessive and grotesque nature of the Gothic to force the reader to re-examine themselves and the society they are in.