Histroy assignment代写:看画写历史
Keywords:Histroy assignment代写

画的左边是一个稍有点顺畅,穿着绅士分发面包,一个可能的仆人辅助。没有光很扰动可能表示那些生病的恐惧。波拿巴与一个生病的人有身体接触,他被介绍给他。拿破仑这里是作为基督的姿态,富有同情心的人物,关怀和医治生病的人,患鼠疫。Gros给了拿破仑的骄傲的地方,所以说在单位9说:“Gros把波拿巴的重要人物与历史画的传统,按照场景的中心。同时,由于图尺度是在雅法大得多,波拿巴占比例更多图片。(第9单元,第121页)。波拿巴成为绘画中最重要的部分。他超越了大多数其他的人物,在他的制服吸引观众的眼睛的绘画和Napoleon Bonaparte中心的璀璨。 可以看出,从观众的第一眼看,这幅油画的光影都是很重要的。或许一些“线性”的笔触,虽然大部分是绘画,人们可以争辩说,这种特殊的画是明显类似于使用宣传渠道奥斯特里茨战役,例如伟大的军事领袖指挥官与富有同情心和爱心的领导者。另一方面,他们的颜色和背景不同;Gros的画较暗黄,几乎没有阳光,而即使GéRAPD有一些黑暗的地方,有阳光照耀着坦荡的领袖和他的胜利的光芒。
Histroy assignment代写:看画写历史
The left side of the painting is a slightly, somewhat affluently attired gentleman distributing bread, assisted by a probable servant. The absence of light is very perturbing possibly a sign of fear for those who are ill. Bonaparte has physical contact with one of the sick individuals, who was introduced to him. Napoleon is shown here as a Christ like figure with the pose, compassionate, caring and a healer of the sick and those who suffering from the plague. Gros has given Napoleon ‘pride of place’ so to speak as stated in Unit 9: ‘Gros places the most important figure of Bonaparte in the centre of the scene in accordance with the traditions of history painting. Also, since the figure scales is much larger in Jaffa, Bonaparte takes up proportionally more of the picture’. (Unit 9, p. 121). Bonaparte becomes and is the most important part of the painting. He overshadows most of the other figures, resplendent in his uniform drawing the audience’s eyes to the centre of the painting and Napoleon Bonaparte.
It can be noted the light and dark including the shadows of this painting are significant from the viewer’s first glance. With perhaps some ‘linear’ work in the brush strokes, although most of it is ‘painterly’ One can argue this particular painting is significantly similar to The Battle of Austerlitz using propaganda channels, for example the great military leader commander versus the compassionate and caring leader. On the other hand they do differ in their colour and context; Gros’s painting is rather dark and yellowing, barely any sunlight, whereas even though Gérard has some dark areas, there is the ray of sunlight shining on the magnanimous leader and his victory.