澳洲历史论文代写 history代写:南部邦联的国家
Keywords:澳洲历史论文代写 history代写

首先,重建的最大成就之一是恢复了所有11个前南部邦联的国家。这是在林肯和约翰逊政府时期完成的。到1868年,他们在南卡罗来纳、佛罗里达、阿拉巴马、路易斯安那、阿肯色、北卡罗莱纳和田纳西州的重新接纳中取得了成功;到1877年,密西西比、乔治亚州、德克萨斯州和弗吉尼亚州的重新接纳,另一个成就是成立了一个名为“自由人局”的新机构。在战争结束后,自由人局提供了庇护所、食物和医疗照顾。许多人批评该机构,并指责该机构“使黑人在白人的开支中游手好闲”(医生D)。在奥利弗·霍华德将军的领导下,该组织成功地在大约3000所学校中建立了自由黑人学校,其中包括几所黑人大学。不久之后,第十四次和第十五次修正案都通过了。《第十四条修正案》规定:“第一节禁止州政府剥夺美国公民的特权和豁免权,或者非法剥夺了他们的生命,自由或财产,或否认任何人在其管辖范围内的平等的法律保护”(Doc C)。史蒂文斯撒迪厄斯,一个激进的共和党人宣称,该修正案”允许国会纠正不公平的立法的州,到目前为止,法律操作在一个人不得经营同样一切”(Doc C)。获得自由的黑人权利的支持者被称为激进的共和党人。在这个群体中有一个名叫本杰明·韦德的人,他支持妇女、北方黑人和工会的权利。非洲裔美国人正在适应他们的新自由,并开始尝试新事物。许多人加入了黑人浸信会和非裔美国人的圣公会教堂,一些人从南方迁移到新的社区。他们去的地方是堪萨斯州(Doc F),他们还创建了像霍华德和菲斯克这样的大学,培养了黑人牧师和教师。
澳洲历史论文代写 history代写:南部邦联的国家
To begin with, one of the greatest accomplishments of the Reconstruction was the restoration of all 11 ex-Confederate states to the Union. This was accomplished during the Lincoln and Johnson administrations. By 1868, they were successful in the readmission of South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee into the Union; and by 1877 the readmission of Mississippi, Georgia, Texas, and Virginia (Doc H). Another accomplishment would be the creation of a new agency called the Freedmen's Bureau. The Freedmen's Bureau offered shelter, food, and medical attention to anybody in need of it after the war. Many criticized the agency and accused it of "keep[ing] the negro in idleness at the expenses of the white man" (Doc D). Under General Oliver Howard, it was successful in the establishment of some 3,000 schools for freed blacks, which included several black colleges. Soon after, the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments were passed. The Fourteenth Amendment stated that "the first section prohibits the states from abridging the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States, or unlawfully depriving them of life, liberty, or property, or denying to any person within their jurisdiction the 'equal' protection of the laws" (Doc C). Thaddeus Stevens, a Radical Republican, declared that the amendment "allows Congress to correct the unjust legislation of the States, so far that the law operated upon one man shall operate equally upon all" (Doc C). The supporters of the rights for freed blacks were called Radical Republicans. Among this group was a man named Benjamin Wade who endorsed the rights of women, northern blacks, and labor unions. African Americans were adjusting to their new freedom and branching out to do new things. Many joined Negro Baptist and African American Episcopal churches, and some migrated from the South to form new communities. A popular place they went was Kansas (Doc F). They also created colleges, like Howard and Fisk, which trained black ministers and teachers.