澳洲历史essay代写 欧洲统治
Keywords:澳洲历史essay代写 欧洲统治

整个16和17世纪,欧洲的统治者都忙于在他们之间建立权威。以城市防御和军队调动为特征的大量战争决定了新君主国军事的根本发展。在这些统治者和政府的历史中,最具影响力的主题之一就是防御工事的表现。直到17世纪才出现了[1](Newberry图书馆)。和Pollak 1991年),图形表示是为了在设计方案中预先阐明隐含的问题,成为理解整个堡垒的一个组成部分。这种对表现形式的重新关注弥补了军事建筑和民用建筑之间的差距,并在设计和记录给定建筑或结构方面产生了一个转变。如果说战争改变了早期现代欧洲城市的面貌,那么表象就是这种文化和语言冲突的图解基础。
澳洲历史essay代写 欧洲统治
Throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the rulers in Europe were occupied by establishing domains of authority among them. A great number of wars characterized by the fortification of towns and movements of troops defined the fundamental military development of the new monarchies. One of the most influential subjects for the history of these rulers and governments, is the representation of fortifications. It wasn’t until the seventeenth century[1](Newberry Library. and Pollak 1991), graphic representation was set to clarify in advance problem implicit in a design proposal, became an integral part of comprehending the fortress in its entirety. This renewed focus on representation bridged the gap between military architecture and civil architecture and created a shift in perspective on the design and documentation of a given building or structure. If war transformed the appearance of the early modern European city, representation was the graphic underlay that illustrates such cultural and linguistic conflicts.
Throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the rulers in Europe were occupied by establishing domains of authority among them. A great number of wars characterized by the fortification of towns and movements of troops defined the fundamental military development of the new monarchies. One of the most influential subjects for the history of these rulers and governments, is the representation of fortifications. It wasn’t until the seventeenth century[1](Newberry Library. and Pollak 1991), graphic representation was set to clarify in advance problem implicit in a design proposal, became an integral part of comprehending the fortress in its entirety. This renewed focus on representation bridged the gap between military architecture and civil architecture and created a shift in perspective on the design and documentation of a given building or structure. If war transformed the appearance of the early modern European city, representation was the graphic underlay that illustrates such cultural and linguistic conflicts.