
Aurizon,原名QR的民族,是一个最大的铁路运输在整个世界。为了在澳洲证券交易所上市,它的资产,过去属于昆士兰政府,被转移到QR国家七月2010有限公司。并在2012更名为Aurizon。 自十一月成功在澳大利亚证券交易所上市222010。该公司的首次公开发行(IPO)高达405亿澳元(约合400亿美元)在过去的13年中,所设置的澳大利亚IPO规模新纪录。昆士兰铁路货运首日开盘价为每股2.54美元,最终收于每股2.65美元。受此影响,悉尼股市,澳大利亚的标准普尔/ASX指数上涨14.3点,收于4643.5点,上涨缺口达0.31%。继澳大利亚电信公司自1997私有化以来,它是该国最大的公开发行公司之一。 连接50多个矿点,Aurizon已扩展其业务acrsoss澳大利亚六大煤炭企业供应链系统。运送超过6000万吨每年,还经营中心昆士兰煤炭网(cqcn)是最大的煤炭铁路网在澳大利亚的100余趟列车每天在2670公里的网络运行,Aurizon仍然寻找更好的战略管理取得更大的成功。
Aurizon, formerly QR National, is one of the largest rail transporters throughout the world. In order to be on the Australian Securities Exchange list, its assets which used to belong to the Government of Queensland, were transferred to QR National Limited in July 2010. And in 2012 it rebranded as Aurizon.
Since successfully listed on the Australian Stock Exchange on November 22,2010. The company’s initial public offering (IPO) had reached up to 40.5 billion Australian dollars (about 40 billion US dollars) over the past 13 years, which setted a new record of IPO size for Australia. Queensland rail freight’s first day opening price is $ 2.54 per share, and finally closed at $ 2.65. Affected by this, the stock market of Sydney, Australia's SP / ASX Index rose 14.3 points, closed at 4643.5 points, rising gap reached 0.31%. Following the Australian telecommunications company since its privatization in 1997, it is one of the country's largest public offering.
Linking more than 50 mine sites, Aurizon has spreaded its business acrsoss Australia’s six major coal chain systems. Transporting more than 60 million tonnes anually, also operating the Central Queensland Coal Network (CQCN) which is the largest coal rail network in Australia with more than 100 trains running on the 2,670 kilometre network every day, Aurizon still seeks for better strategic management for greater success.