
澳洲詹姆斯库克代写:基础的实践.本文讨论了我所理解的术语为基础的实践,以及如何以证据为基础的实践可以告知我们了解儿童和儿童的生活。引言解释了我所理解的以证据为基础的实践,并给出了术语的定义。后续段落批判性讨论的例子,循证实践(或没有)通知我们的童年和/或孩子的生活,理解为例,对性别主动视频带3从一个研究型的主动应用实践报告整理,这是否促进了我们对安全性行为的年轻人的经验认识,什么是学习,在其他研究方法是否会通知我们的理解更多的条款。还讨论了循证实践的例子,参考模块ek310研究材料,与儿童和年轻人的研究。最后,论点的要点画在一起,本文的结论,阐述了自己的立场,在何种程度上以证据为基础的实践,我们了解儿童和儿童的生活。本文采用的例子是参照已在模块ek310研究材料说明。本文的结论是,以证据为基础的做法只能告知我们了解儿童和儿童的生活,如果已经进行的研究,以告知这一以证据为基础的做法,从事儿童和青少年的过程中。 证据为基础的做法是将研究的结果,或实验,在实践中。这被广泛预期将成为教育政策发展的规范,在未来几年内,在这样的研究转换为基础的政策和实践教育[ 1 ]。基于证据的实践通常是用来暗示人练习特定的角色而言,无论是作为一个教育工作者,例如,或作为一个保健顾问,知道的证据已被用来确定在该领域当前的最佳实践,以确定最佳的方法来使用教一个人,或治疗的病人,例如。基本上以证据为基础的实践包括个人使用的研究结果,以告知他们如何处理他们负责的人,在确保当前,最新的,方法是利用最有效的方式可能。基于证据的实践表明责任在个体参与泄露信息(在一个教育者的情况下)使他们了解当前的最佳实践模型,通过研究,并认为,通过这样的认识,他们能够透露最相关和最重要的信息,这一做法是最有效的;这不仅涉及掌握在特定主题的研究也掌握的方式,审慎评估,吸收,最后将研究结果在实际的和有用的方式。
This paper discusses what I understand by the term evidence-based practice, and how evidence-based practice can inform our understanding of childhood and children's lives. The introduction explains what I understand evidence-based practice to be, and gives a definition for the term. Subsequent paragraphs critically discuss examples where evidence-based practice has (or has not) informed our understanding of childhood and/or children’s lives, for example, the Sorted On Sex initiative reported in Video Band 3 which developed from a research-based initiative into applied practice, and whether this furthered our understanding of young people’s experiences of safe sex, and what was learnt from this, in terms of whether other research approaches might have informed our understanding more. Other examples of evidence-based practice are also discussed, with reference to the materials studied in module EK310, Research with Children and Young People. Finally, the main points of the argument are drawn together and the paper concludes with an exposition of my own position on the extent to which evidence-based practice informs our understanding of childhood and children’s lives. The examples used in the paper are illustrated with reference to material that has been studied in module EK310. The paper concludes that evidence-based practice can only inform our understanding of childhood and children’s lives if the research that has been conducted to inform this evidence-based practice has engaged children and young people in the process.
Evidence-based practice is the incorporation of the results of research, or experiments, in to practice. This is widely expected to become the norm in educational policy development over the next few years, in terms of converting such research in to the basis for policy and practice in education[1]. Evidence-based practice is the term generally used to imply that the person practicing the particular role, whether this be as an educator, for example, or as a health care adviser, is aware of the evidence that has been used to determine the current best practice in the field, in order to determine the best methods to use to teach an individual, or to treat a patient, for example. Essentially evidence-based practice consists of the individual using the results of research to inform how they deal with the people they are responsible for, in terms of ensuring that current, up-to-date, methods are utilised in the most effective way possible. Evidence-based practice thus suggest the onus is on the individual involved in divulging the information (in the case of an educator) in order that they understand current best practice models, informed by research, and that, through this understanding, they are able to divulge the most relevant and important information, in a way which is most effective; this involves not only mastering the research on the particular topic but also mastering the way in which to critically assess, assimilate, and then finally deliver the results of this research in a practical and useful manner.